Always getting "No Route" error on Discord


Mar 23, 2017
I've been dealing with this issue for nearly two years now and it's actually driving me insane, I've already broken my keyboard because of it. Nearly every day when I'm gaming with my friends, my game would disconnect, and discord would say that I have a no route error. It is so infuriating because I would be having a lot of fun playing with my friends, and then I get disconnected and not able to talk to them anymore. It happens at completely random times whenever it wants. It can last 5 minutes or 5 hours. Usually when it starts working again, I get no route again shortly after. If this only affected discord and not my games, I would have less of an issue. Everything else works when I have no route, I can browse the web and everything, only games and discord don't work. I have researched so much on any fixes, but there is literally no fix for this, absolutely nothing works. Please, if anyone has an idea on how I can fix this infuriating issue, I would be super thankful.

By the way, my friends also get my exact same problem, they live in the same area as I do, I guess it could be something with that, but I don't know.
You need to figure out what you have.

a nested router and a router setup as an access point may be the same device, but very different.

you want one dhcp server on your lan. so if you went lan->lan on two routers, both of them are serving dhcp to the same lan. in that case it should be disabled on the one that's supposed to be the access point.

each of them have a static ip address, and you don't want them to be conflicting. 80% of home routers use so it's pretty common. MAC tables get updated with the wrong device and frames trying to go to the internet just go no where, because only the gateway with the internet connection on WAN will work.
The most common issue is two dhcp servers or a conflict ip with your gateway.
check your ipconfig is the most common gateway. sometimes the dupe is the same gateway. you can navigate to the webpage for the device.
I'd suggest trying to log into each network device to check the ip settings.

when you send something to the gateway and there are competing ip addresses or dhcp servers it's a race. which ever one is the fastest will update your settings and only one of them is connected to your public wan ip.

Hey, thanks so much for your reply, but can you explain how I can actually do this? I'm not really familiar with this kind of stuff, thanks!

So I've done a bit of research into this, what I did was "reserve" an IP just for my computer, so hopefully no other device can interfere with it. I don't know if this is something that works, do you know if this is a viable solution?
It's unlikely your computer would have been causing a conflict. It was probably getting it's ip via dhcp, which is recommended. The devices configured with a static may be conflicting.

Check your modem to see if it's also a router and any other device used for networking.
Pretty much everything has a webpage for management. You can factory reset it to get into it using the default user/pw. If you have two routers using the same subnet/gateway it's going to cause the issues you are describing.
Hey, so I followed these instructions and so far I haven't been getting the no route error ever since. I'll post an update if I do get it again though.

1. Open your command prompt (cmd) in Administrator mode
2. Type ipconfig /release then hit Enter
3. Type ipconfig /flushdnsand hit enter again
4. Type ipconfig /renew hit enter, and close the cmd window
Those are updated by the dhcp server. so if you have two of them on your network, it's a 50/50 on getting the right one. you need to check those ips against what is configured in the router with the WAN connection. if it looks like you are getting a different subnet sometimes then there is two dhcp servers for sure.

Should I disable dhcp for one of the routers? Wouldn't that start causing other issues?
You need to figure out what you have.

a nested router and a router setup as an access point may be the same device, but very different.

you want one dhcp server on your lan. so if you went lan->lan on two routers, both of them are serving dhcp to the same lan. in that case it should be disabled on the one that's supposed to be the access point.

each of them have a static ip address, and you don't want them to be conflicting. 80% of home routers use so it's pretty common. MAC tables get updated with the wrong device and frames trying to go to the internet just go no where, because only the gateway with the internet connection on WAN will work.