am I getting ripped here?

This was the closest forum sub heading I could find, sorry if it is in wrong place.

Ok, I ordered a cheap part from an overseas electronics dealer of, shall we say, questionable moral fiber. I never get it. Then, after I complain, I get this email:

Date Ordered: Sunday 01 June, 2008

The comments for your order are


Today we received your package back, return to sender. It appears as if though a delivery attempt was made and then no one picked up the item from the post office. Can you please tell us why you did not pick up the package? Do you still want your order?

But I had no such message from the postman about a failed delivery attempt! I suspect the seller will offer to resend IF I pay another shipping charge. Is this a common rip off tactic? Anybody else ever get a message like this? It could be a legit mix-up but I'm suspicious for some reason.

Well, U.S. 'laws' will not have presidence if you have a problem with a company from outside the U.S. That would include Postal Fraud, which may be the case. If the shipping transaction is through the U.S. Postal Service, they have no laws governing the country the package is sent from. You might try contacting Postal Inspectors in your area and ask their opinion.