Am I making a mistake?


Sep 28, 2014
Hey guys. I currently have an I7 4790k overclocked to 4.8ghz, corsair ram overclocked to 2666 mhz, r9 fury x, evga 850 gold power supply, with a h100i water cooler, and a gigabyte z97x gaming 3. 4K Freesync Monitor

Alright so I'm in a bit of a dillemna. My current setup is terrific and I love it. But AMD has just released the amazing ryzen lineup. And I love the r7 1800x as a product and I want to support amd. The only thing is it's 499. And it's not really a good upgrade as opposed to my current setup. And it's actually worse in gaming. But I can think of nothing better (emotionally feeling) than having the newest and best ryzen paired with the best of the vega gpu's when it comes out. Rumored to be 12.5 tflops.

Should I keep my current cpu and just upgrade to vega? Or go all out and support amd like I want to?
It seems you already know the pros and cons. If it's about making yourself happy on an emotional level, it's your money. Hard to answer since it's not a facts and figures question based on testing or benchmarks, it's got a subjective emotional aspect for you. The only one whose opinion really matters there is yours, hard for us to tell you what you should do.

It's a bit like asking if a custom paint job on a case is worth $500 to get a one of a kind color and finish. Some would say it's a waste, others would say they would do it all over again every single time. Value is subjective.
If you have spare cash and want to support AMD i guess it's okay. After all, a 1800x won't have any issues running games at +60fps and the 4 extra cores are gonna be pretty future proof. I'm currently waiting for my Ryzen 1700 build parts to ship and replace my old 4690k @ 4.7GHz. The Ryzen hype truly is real.

There is no reason for you to switch. The 4790k has 8 threads which seems to be the norm now for gaming and it has a really good oc on it. Nothing in the ryzen linup can come close to it. Also your gpu is currently the best amd has to offer so I would say wait for vega.
It seems you already know the pros and cons. If it's about making yourself happy on an emotional level, it's your money. Hard to answer since it's not a facts and figures question based on testing or benchmarks, it's got a subjective emotional aspect for you. The only one whose opinion really matters there is yours, hard for us to tell you what you should do.

It's a bit like asking if a custom paint job on a case is worth $500 to get a one of a kind color and finish. Some would say it's a waste, others would say they would do it all over again every single time. Value is subjective.
Thanks guys. I think I'll hold off then. Next year is looking bright with a refined zen coming out and the new navi gpu's coming out. I think it's in my best interest to ride out with my current system and wait for those. (Although more that likely I'm going to break mid way through the year and buy the vega gpu anyways lol).

Thanks everyone!