AM3+ Socket Installation Problem!


Mar 7, 2012
First let , start by saying that I have NOT bent any pins on my CPU and my motherboard is completely compatible with my CPU.

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Motherboard: (Supports Phenom II)
CPU : ( AMD Phenom II 960T Zosma)

Well I was attempting to insert my CPU into the socket, and I used ZERO INSERTION FORCE. I noticed when I dropped it in the left side's pins would not fully go in, but the right side would.... Is this normal, should I install the heatsink???? What do I do??

Left side-

Right Side-

Center View-

Angled View-
Hold the CPU up against a light about 6 inches from your eye, look down the pins from all sides to see if they are straight. Also take a closer look at the socket and make sure nothing is out of order there. DO NOT LOCK THE SOCKET OR INSTALL THE HEATSINK UNTIL FULLY SEATED !
Hold the CPU up against a light about 6 inches from your eye, look down the pins from all sides to see if they are straight. Also take a closer look at the socket and make sure nothing is out of order there. DO NOT LOCK THE SOCKET OR INSTALL THE HEATSINK UNTIL FULLY SEATED !

I did, and I even took pictures... is it possible that I missed a pin?

To answer your questions in order:

No, its not

NO! That will bend pins and would very bad!

Lift up that silver metal bar just to the side of the cpu socket. The cpu wont seat properly until the bar is up.


Have you had the cpu locking arm down the entire time? The CPU will not full seat in the socket until you lift the arm and then set the cpu in the socket.

My first clue was when he asked for pictures of the installed cpu from other builds. An experienced builder would know already, so it must be his first build. Or at least his first AMD build. Also, the bar is down in all his pictures. Leaving the bar down would be a classic rookie mistake. Everybody forgets something on their first build.

Yes that is true some times we forget that we were a rookie at one time. I was not trying to be rude it was just the first thing I noticed in the pictures and was unsure if he had inserted the cpu and then put the bar down or if he never lifted it in the first place.
Thanks for the replies but I did try with the lever up, I only pushed it down later to see if it would push the other pins in...

I really need a definitive answer, and yes, as you may have guessed this is my first build. So far it has been stymied with a plethora of problems; 2 DOA PSU's, 1 DOA Motherboard, and now this! I have been doing "my first build" for over 50 days now!

Any more advice?

I have now made a video recording my conundrum. PLEASE Help...!181&parid=E4B3199C2C0E7E2F!120

Okay so just rma my motherboard and cpu? This motherboard was just returned from rma.

Having just built a system, with this cpu, when aligned properly, should just fall into the socket.

The ZFI arm has to be up. The CPU will not install at all until the arm is all the way up. Do not push the arm down AT ALL until the CPU is seated properly, ie, falls easily into the seat.

I doubt the MB has a defective socket. Just make sure you've aligned the pins properly - there's only 1 way the processor will fall in. Look at the bottom of the chip to align the empty pinouts.
Seems like a motherboard problem because I just got it back from the rma. And the CPU fit perfectly in the old defective motherboard, but if you guys insist I will give a third try.

Thanks for caring about the outcome 😀

Well I think a pin is bent, but I just need a second opinion here it is!183&parid=E4B3199C2C0E7E2F!120

If the bent pins are the case I know that the standard AMD warranty will void with bent pins, but on Newegg it says for 15$ I can get a extended warranty to replace the product..

Can anyone tell me if is a good service?
Use a long flat surface such as a thin knife or feeler gauge to assist in lining the pins up properly along side the correctly positioned pins. Trying to bend pin by pin is much less accurate and has a higher chance of breaking a pin or damaing other pins/ the entire CPU.
Thanks for all the help guys! As the first guy said I did have a SLIGHTLY BENT PIN, so small i needed a flashlight and magnifying glass to find it :na:

So I took a mechanical pencil and literally put it on the pin for less than 2 seconds and the CPU inserted into the socket with NO PRESSURE!