AMD 64 3500+, Whats the optimal OC

The optimal o'c is the highest clock speed you can achieve which is stable and under 55C full load. You should be able to get 2.6 - 2.8ghz with a good aftermarket cooler.
The optimal o'c is the highest clock speed you can achieve which is stable and under 55C full load. You should be able to get 2.6 - 2.8ghz with a good aftermarket cooler.

Thanks for the reply, Yeah, I was hoping someone here had oc'ed the same processor and could of just told me the most stable setting so I could just "Set & Forget"... 😀
Hi, I have a 3500+ ClawHammer (or a San Diego. Some programs say one thing and other ones say the other) and a Gigabyte Ga K8NF-9. My ram is KingSton Value Ram DDR 400 (2x1gb and 2x512)

Is posible to do a good overclock with this motherboard and processor?

Could you recomend me some usefull programs?

Now I'm using EasyTune 6.

motherboard BIOS is the best way to overclock.... windows based programs are a different matter
Thank you.
Now I'm doing some experiments and my pc is runing well a 2434MHZ (default is 2200). [FSB 232; Multiplier 10.50; BUS 930]

Everything is ok, but I don't know what's his maximun.

I'll try to raise it a little bit.