You can change the voltage through the GPU Bios, but I highly recommend NOT doing that.
When OCing a GPU, take it 1 step at a time. Do not increase Core and Memory speeds at the same time. Start with memory and increase it 5mhz at a time (with the Core at stock settings). You already know how high you cannot go, so perhaps start decreasing from there. I would think the Memory is causing the BSODs, but it may be the Core.
Anyway, when you reach the stable limit of Memory speed, then increase the Core speed in the same fashion.
As stated, just because CCC has higher speeds "available" doesn't mean they are reachable. You are only guaranteed that the card can work at stock speeds, anything higher takes patience to figure out.
Anyway, a 6670 is a pretty low end card. You'd do a lot better just getting a 5770/6770 (same card) or 6790 (or anything more expensive than those lol)