It's not my opinion, they've said it themselves, that unless they praise amd their videos ain't getting viewed, so they have to. There is a guy that literally said that the title of his video was "5800x 3d, best gaming CPU ever" and he did that just to increase his subscriptions. And he did.
Daniel owen said the same, here is the video
And im quoting him "Especially being negative about nvidia and positive about amd performs better in the youtube algorith - generates more traffic".
Techtesters UK said the same, guru 3d had to remove some graphs cause they were getting death threats from amd fans and the list goes on. Even Steve from hwunboxed, do you know what CPU he uses at home? A 12900kS. Now go check his review of the 12900ks and what his opinion was and how the heck he ended up with one.
And here is a tweet from a reviewer, he said the the whole industry learned to stay quite about amd issues cause the fans don't take it too well.
Brian from techyes city - and im quoting "yeah im running the 14900k completely stock cause that's how my viewers are using their pcs, they don't tinker with the bios". Then he went into the bios to fix the 7950x 3d cache priority.....
I can find you hundreds of these. I mean MLID himself is a prime example that spreading misinformation is a good thing as long a you are doing it in favor of amd.
A professional reviewer doesn't mean he is a "pro" (good) at what he is doing, it means he is doing it to make money. And they will create the content that makes them the most money. That's self explanatory I guess. It's like a newspaper, they don't exist to inform you about reality, they exist to sell ads.