AMD Athlon X4 620 @ 2.6 GHz

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Mar 8, 2012
The following are the detailed specs of the machine I currently have:

I don't use the integrated graphics but rather a GeForce 9500GT PCI Express Gen 2 card with 1024 MB DDR2 memory.

I am interested in playing Final Fantasy XIV but with spending the minimum amount of money possible.

I know the game has some ridiculus reccomended system requirements but I don't care if I can't play on max settings but I want the game to at least play comfortably.

Based on my research it seems like I should be able to run the game with my processor etc but I am unsure.

It looks like at a minimum I will need to upgrade the Power Supply and graphics card.

My issue is in determining the best graphics card I can buy that will not bottleneck my CPU. Any advice provided would be greatly appreciated!
I prefer Nvidia myself. The thing is AMD on the low end cards happen to do better than Nvidias. But on the high end Nvidias do better. So if I was to point out a Nvidia card at this moment in time it would be the GTX 560 ti.

On avg they cost $250.00 but with rebates you could get down $40.00 to make it around $210.00. But since AMD is out and the 7770 with what you have is the best bang for the buck.

I will link you to some more info on the two cards. There is one card EVGA and it is $199.99 after rebate. Wow what deal but again your CPU is limited. So if you were to up grade it then you could use this card.

In the next two months Nvidia is putting out it's new cards the Kepler and don't have a clue as the pricing is going to be. The...
The cheapest way to go is with this card. You will be able to play, I just don't at what level. If you had the money then I would say a 500w PSU and a HD 7770. Any way good luck to you.

Edit: They say this card requires a 400w PSU but on load only requires 105w. So if your 12v rail showes more than 10amps you will be fine. To check you will have to open up your case and look on the PSU

There should be a sticker with numbers that look sort of like this 3.3v = 16a + 5.v =13a + 12v = 10a. The one that makes the difference is the 12v one. And some PSU's have two 12v rails

They will look like this 12v1 = 10a + 12v2 = 10a. I am just giving you in general what might look like on the sticker.
Thanks - thats great info!

If I were to invest in a new PSU and HD 7770 graphics card would I be able to play the game comfortably? Would my CPU/memory or anything else bottleneck the graphics card etc? Also would an HD 7770 work with my mobo seeing as it only supports PCI-express 2.0?

If you could answer these questions it would help alot!

I think if I can get a graphics card/PSU that will enable me to easily play the game on somewhat high settings I would be willing to invest ~~200$...

I'm just concerned about spending the cash and still be screwed because of my CPU/memory etc. If thats the case I might as well just hold off and eventually build myself an entirely new PC though that might be a far ways off.
Ok before I suggest a lot of stuff, I need to know for sure what CPU you have the 2 core, 3 core, 4core or the 6 core. In your link it gives all the different CPU's that could come with your rig.

So let me know and I will give you what you can use. Sorry for this I should have caught it in my first post. If you have the 4 core CPU then you will be able to use the 7770. I have all the links for you to look at but need the CPU first.

Thanks for your help. That link actually does specify the CPU that comes with my rig. It then goes on to list the potential "processor upgrades" supported by the motherboard.

The CPU in my machine is definitely the:
AMD Athlon II X4 620 @ 2.6 GHz
Number of Cores: 4
Socket: AM3
Bus Speed: 4000 MHz HT3

Also of interest is the fact that the stock configuration consists of 3 2GB sticks of DDR3 Memory @ 1333 MHz
The list then goes on to note: DDR3-1333 modules run at 1066 MHz if three or more modules are installed.

I think I might be better off just taking 1 of the 2GB sticks out. Sure I lose 2GB of memory but this should activate the dual channel mode and the higher 1333 MHz speed. I will have to try it. I could always buy a kit of 8GB with 2 4GB sticks. That sounds like it would boost the performance by enabling dual channel and allowing the higher frequency (and provide another 2GB of memory).

I don't plan on doing any more than taking out a 2GB stick right now. Its just interesting to note the stupidity of HP's default stock ram configuration! At least I can keep my eyes open for a really good deal on an 8GB ram kit.

Theoretically, I could also upgrade the CPU to one of the better ones on the list the mobo supports; however, if I were to upgrade the processor, video card, power supply and/or memory I would prefer to just hold onto my cash and get a newer mobo with PCI-express 3.0, faster memory, better CPU and basically build an entirely new computer. I'm hoping to just get by with upgrading only the video card and/or PSU so that I can play FF14 etc. and hold off on building a new PC for another year or two - things are changing just too fast right now and I'd prefer to hold off on investing in a new PC until Windows 8 hits and SSD's get cheaper and several other things stabilize.

For now, I prefer to upgrade by purchasing a new video card and/or power supply.

I'm looking forward to your suggestions!
I would wait on building a new rig since so much is changing at this time. But to get you to play your game with out issues the 7770 even though it is a 3.0 It will still work in a 2.1 or a 2.0

The ram isn't to much of a consern so you should just play around with it and see if you see any difference in anything. I was hoping that I could see how many amps are on the 12v rail.

But a 500w PSU is around 50 to 60 dollars. I will link them to you so you can figure out what you want to do. The first two links PSU's the third link 7770 and 7750 and the third link is 7770 vs 7750.

If you were to get the PSU the 7770 for now you would be good for about a year of so. Then that way you can reserch a rig that will be good for a few years and you will be able to save up and get a nice system. I hope this helps and good luck.
Great info - thanks. Yes, I was curious if PCI-express 3.0 cards would work in 2.0 slots. I heard PCIexpress 3.0 is backwards compatible, but I wasn't sure if that just meant that PCI-express 3.0 slots will accept 2.0/2.1 cards....

I will most likely go with one of your suggestions. In the past I have typically preferred Nvidia over ATI (though I really havent paid that much attention). Do you have any good nVidia suggestions or would you highly reccomend I stick with ATI... I have heard ATI has been better than nVidia with regards to performance recently.

Off-topic: I also have heard that AMD can't come close to the latest intel chips.

I opened my case to take a look at the Power Supply:

Let me know what you think of my current Power supply. Looking forward to your response!
I prefer Nvidia myself. The thing is AMD on the low end cards happen to do better than Nvidias. But on the high end Nvidias do better. So if I was to point out a Nvidia card at this moment in time it would be the GTX 560 ti.

On avg they cost $250.00 but with rebates you could get down $40.00 to make it around $210.00. But since AMD is out and the 7770 with what you have is the best bang for the buck.

I will link you to some more info on the two cards. There is one card EVGA and it is $199.99 after rebate. Wow what deal but again your CPU is limited. So if you were to up grade it then you could use this card.

In the next two months Nvidia is putting out it's new cards the Kepler and don't have a clue as the pricing is going to be. The thing is if you up grade your PSU, GPU, and your CPU. The only thing left is your MOBO.

That is just food for thought. It is up to you as which way you want to go but anyway you go is better than what you have now. That is the way I look at things.
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