I see I got -1 above -- lets face it if your like me and had am3+ when they first came out and upgraded to the top of that line after that amd has no offerings in that platform , so why would I spend my good money of a thing of the past today???
when I do a new build I want something that's the latest and up to the day tec. not the same thing I been running for years .. that's just silly, so I felt forced to go intel
now if amd were to pull a rabbet out of there hat and come out with a fresh new chipset -chip- platform that's not been played out for several years and match intel offerings then I may go back to them, but as far as now I just don't see that.
that's interesting in a way but this 4k thing all I see is amd winning out and it seemed that the amd vid cards handle 4k better then NVidia
what I would of liked to see in that review would of been a 290x in that mix then see where at 4k amd stands above the rest .. so I wount dispute amd and there 4k performance
also I yet to understand intel keeping things stuck at 8x8 pci-e unless you get plx
the reason I left amd was there just old hat done been there and donre that with AM3+ and just could not see spending on something that's old and dated . they were to come out with the 1090fx chipset and ju7st droped it and nothing has changed since the first release of AM3+ -- bulldozer to piledriver , wow
well like I said -- I left amd due to I all ready did am3+ don't care noithing about there apu chips so intel was my only path now if I were to be just coming off lets say am2 build I would not be bad with a am3+ cause it would be a step up from that amd would be fine ,but having AM3+ from day one with uo to the 8320 it just seemed silly to buy that past today .. I want hot new not same old same old