AMD CPU speculation... and expert conjecture

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Well, its a bit to young to die, 8350, get ready to survive your midlife crisis :p




LOL! Guess I'll have to get deep into some Tom Clancy Novels and buy a sports car...
How many times must I tell you that "our game engine uses 8 threads" doesn't mean it uses 8 threads all the time?

I would hope not; most engines use a good 40+ these days. Heck, WoW uses a good 80 or so threads.

Number Threads != Number of Cores stressed.

Congratulations, you've found a benchmark where 6 to 8 threads are being used and then you found another one where less threads are used.

Same benchmark run for both GPU's. And results way out of whack to be statistical noise. Something else was going on. Might just be a stupid driver bug, but it bears watching. The PCLab results with the NVIDIA GPU agree with the GameGPU charts, which also used a NVIDIA GPU. The PCLab results with the AMD GPU disagree? Coincidence? Or something else going on?

Just saying, if we find out that GPU's are somehow affecting CPU performance, the math changes. Significantly.



Catalyst 13.10 Beta, just released, fixes an issue in BF4 noted specifically in the patch notes.

That's likely the culprit...



That Gigabyte board makes me wish they put out a G1 series AM3+ board...*sigh*

*Gets reminded of the ASUS Sabertooth 990FX* Now, for a lime green GIGABYTE R9 290X :p


Oct 7, 2012

For me, it's Steamroller or i7. The fact that I can get a i7 4820K or a i7 4770K for slightly more than a FX 8350 has been gnawing at my mind... It's so tempting. I think I'll wait though. If I'm put into a situation to where I have to save money on my next upgrade, I'll for sure buy a Sabertooth FX and a 8320. But I suspect I'll be good on money, esp since Christmas is around the corner.

*edit* I'm going to head to Gamestop today and cancel my preorder on The Elder Scrolls Online (watch the Intel fanboys rebuke me) and place my money on BF4 instead...

I look forward to riding a quad out of a sky scraper then blowing a building to smithereens.


Oct 7, 2012

I said this before, but no one payed attention.

Lol, I know "Somebody" who can hook me up with a good deal. I'm the only exception though. Unfortunately.

However, Microcenter has the i7 4820K listed for $250 and had the i7 3820K listed for $200. So, again, we'll see what happens at the beginning of next year. I'm looking for a motherboard to match my vision for my case mods.


Mar 19, 2013

Interesting review of what they call a "Verisha" CPU (did they mean Vishera? :sarcastic:). I find sublime they use industry jokes such as Sysmark 2012. The selection of games is also interesting: Dragon Age and World of Warcraft. I wonder why two and why those two.

Their numbers are still more interesting. The 17.6% is rounded to 18% (you round it to 20%) but how is their 8.5% rounded to 10%? And how did they get the average of 15%? The average of their 18% and 10% is 14%, but using 17.6% and 8.5% the average is 13.05% which rounds to 13%. Amazing! And if this is made on the visible part of the review I wonder what will be made behind.

Now compare with this

where an A10-5800K offers a 97%, 95%, 88%, 88% and 91% of the performance of an FX-4300 for gaming at 1080p. The average is 92%. The A10-6800 is faster and Kaveri will be much faster.


Mar 19, 2013

I have just uploaded the final version of my article about Kaveri. I continue assuming that SR will be about a 20% faster than Piledriver, but added some rumours that suggest that could be up to a 40% faster (I find that unlikely).

This is the diagram for Kaveri


No six cores, no quad channel...

More info about the GPU, it seems confirmed that the leaked benchmarks about a 13CU version was in reality a dual configuration of Kaveri 8CU + 5CU dGPU.

About the compute capabilities of the Kaveri GPU, the schedulers can manage up to a maximum of 20480 threads. However, due to limitations in the SIMD units, the GPU can execute 'only' 512 threads per cycle.


Oct 7, 2012
@juanrga, where is the L3 cache? Lol, I thought it was official.

@palladin9479, exactly! Plus, I'd like to run a couple benchmarks of my own between my rig, and my friends' rig. The system built with a more expensive i7 CPU and a Mid range GPU (My system) vs a FX 8350 with a Expensive GPU. Also, with this monitor I'm ordering in the next 2 weeks, I would be able to run 1440P benchmarks. Essentially, both rigs would cost the same price. It would be interesting I think.

Might as well go 8320 and Sabertooth at that resolution. Another monitor, you must be going insane! Update you specs :p As for BF4, meh, go Project Reality BF2 :p.


Oct 7, 2012
@The 6660 Inside: From what I hear the QNIX 1440P monitors overclock well, most people get them up to 96+ Hz refresh rate. Which is why I may be going Intel, So I can get my maximum FPS. They're only $350 right now. I've already got a buyer for my current monitor.

Pixel density and size play a big factor to me. I'm competitive in TF2, so a bigger monitor could help my game just a bit, especially with sniping. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a hexi-core Kav though. I ain't buying anything till I get more news ;)

I'm buying BF4 to hold me off for StarWars Battle Front 3. That is th-E game I'm looking forward to most. So many good memories with SWBF2.

I use an OC'd 8350 with 2 GTX 580's all in a WC setup. Performs wonderfully, though it's primarily designed for 3D gaming with a 120hz monitor.

Pics? :p @ griptwister, For higher resolutions, the CPU becomes less and less of a problem ala i7-920 X58 TITAN setups all over the place. Lets just hope EA logic does not screw up SWBF3.
PS: Those 580 Hydros are aging, might be time for a 780 or 290X (if it can do crossfire) :p

I was very close to upgrading to two GTX 780 hydros along with going from an 800D to a 900D but just didn't provide enough benefit to be worth it. Same reason I didn't upgrade to 680's. The hydro thing is important as I absolutely hate loud fan sounds, totally ruins the entertainment value. I used DD WB's back when I was doing the 2 x GTX 285's and putting them on was a royal PITA, EVGA does an amazing job so worth the premium.

I probably won't be doing any major upgrades for awhile. I'm using a Sabertooth 990FX and don't want to be switching out platforms until I have a solid upgrade schedule. Also since it's all watercooled switching out things like CPU / MB / GPU is labor intensive and I only do it when I'm conducting maintenance on the WC loop.


Oct 7, 2012
@paladin9479, Good God man, I don't see any need to upgrade that system right now... Unless if you're running out of VRAM because you have the 1.5GB model hydros.

@The Q6660 Inside: I'm trying to decide still... I really want to run comparisons between rigs. But then again, I like the comfort of having 8 actual cores. We'll see what happens after Christmas ;) as I stated before, I'm holding out for Kaveri just so see where that's placed at.

I'm also looking into upgrading my RAM if I got with a FX 8320 as I've seen and heard about the performance gains that can come.
Actually I do have the 1.5GB models. I play 1920x1080@120 on a 23.5 inch LCD display. This system was primarily for 3D gaming and thus the unusual configuration. Stereoscopic rendering is done in the driver level not in the actual program, because of this is requires very little additional CPU power but nearly 2x the GPU power. In 3D mode I get pretty much the same performance a 8350 + GTX 580 (factory OC'd) at 60 fps. That's why I was looking to upgrade to a 780 Hydro but held off as I want to see what CPU's are going to look like next year. I might end up having to switch my platform to an Intel one if AMD can't produce a SR 6~8 core CPU to power this system. I also have 16GB of DDR3-1600 for system memory and I actually use it.


Mar 19, 2013

Effectively, used the "Domination" mode, whereas used the "Conquest" mode.

Conquest mode includes Infantry, Vehicles and Aircraft with up to 64 player maps.
Domination is a infantry only mode with up to 20 player maps. The gamegpu scenario is using more "cores/threads".


Mar 19, 2013
Interesting finding by this user:


Base Specification

Operating System: Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1) or Windows 8
Note that we only support 64 bit OSs.
Hard Drive Space: 20 GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
Internet: Broadband connection and service required for multiplayer mode

Minimum Specification

GPU: DirectX 11 graphics card with 1 GB Video RAM
CPU: Quad core

example 1
GPU: NVidia GTX 460
CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q6600

example 2
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 5770
CPU: AMD Phenom X4 9750

Recommended Specification

GPU: DirectX 11 graphics card with 2 GB Video RAM
CPU: Eight core

example 1
GPU: NVidia GTX 560 ti
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770

example 2
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7850
CPU: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core

"Ultra" Specification

GPU: Latest DirectX 11 graphics card with 2 GB Video RAM or more
CPU: Latest Eight core or more
RAM: 8GB or more

example 1
GPU: Nvidia GTX 670
CPU: Intel Core i7-3930K

example 2
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7970
CPU: AMD FX-9370 Eight-Core
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