AMD CPU speculation... and expert conjecture

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Sep 1, 2012

As far as HDL stuff goes, I would like to know why, if this is something that provides so many benefits, it has not been implemented already by a company like Intel with so much more money and effort spent on improved fabbing techniques. The only thing I remember is that it's supposed to be bad for high frequency. That would be bad for AMD's desktop cpus once again. They need more frequency to compete using Piledriver, not less.

If they can't keep things at 4 GHz, they'll just be selling eight-core cpus at even lower prices, and it's not like the quantity of cpus being sold for desktops is increasing. They need to improve margins in this market, not flood it with cheap products and hope people decide they no longer want i5-Ks minimum.
Current rig:

i3 2130
ASUS Maximus Gene Z (Z68)
8GB G.Skill RipJawsZ CL10 2133
BeQuiet Straight Power E9 680 Gold
Corsair 350D
Seagate Momentus XT 750GB HDD
Corsair H100i

In principle Intel's single threaded performance should carry the CPU despite being a dual core with hyperthreading. I will do a video later to show you just how poor a I3 is relative to a 750K or 5800K with the same setup. BF3 is a dual core killer.


All settings to lowest presets.

Microstutters constantly, clearly the per core performance is not enough to save a i3 from bottlenecking the system.

*Blink Blink*

That's not even English. If English is not your native language then I can understand the possible communications issue.

I stated that using FM2 as a socket doesn't mean you need to put video outputs on the board. That should be fairly common sense. If you were absolutely trying to save the $1 (actually less) it costs then it would still make more economical sense to utilize a single socket.

I'm guessing that you actually *use* this system instead of configuring it for benchmarks only. Check background services and any other applications you have running, might be able to squeeze a little more performance out of it. For years I've been recommending everyone get a real dual core at a minimum (the fx4 barely qualifies). You might end up having to drop some more money on an i5.


Oct 7, 2012

Lol, Good God man, please just drop your argument. Don't want to look like our good friend who visit's this thread often.

FM2+ Motherboards can come with out the extra inputs and iGPU (or GFX?) support. Like paladin simply said, it's only a socket. Inputs are not tied directly to the socket.

-Mod Edit: please no trash talking, lets keep things civil.


Mar 19, 2013

Piledriver. The possibility of a Piledriver refresh, as Warsaw in servers, is possible, but as I said in uncountable occasions there is no FX Steamroller (despite all the hostility that I received by saying that).

6m/12c for the desktop? No, specially because no game will be using efficiently more than 8 cores.

I think that Warsaw secret is a fully functional Resonant Clock Mesh. If AMD releases an update of FX Piledriver, my money is on a fully functional Resonant Clock Mesh.

AMD no releasing FX steamroller is good news for _me_ because AMD can spend more resources to important stuff such as APUs, HSA, MANTLE, better linux drivers, high-performance ARM chips...


I configured the system to run it clean, A higher end Z68 M-ATX ROG board so there can be no issue of board bottlenecking, the RipJaws are plenty fast so there is no IMC bottlenecking, The H100i for a i3 is going to keep it cool so no heat based bottlenecking and the GTX670 is not limiting the result avoiding GPU bottlenecking, as for the i3 its the fastest Sandy based i3 more expensive than a FX6350.

The system is leaned out there is hardly anything running in the background its about as lean as you can get a OS without crashing it.

The point is and Anandtech did that review a A10 5800K + 7970 got better value scaling over the i3 in the value segment because the quad is less inclined to bottleneck in workloads conducive to 2+ core usage. The A10 5800K used in comparison pushed the GTX670 further. If on a budget then a Athlon FM2, A10 or A8 or FX 43/63XX parts offer much better value for money unless you play SC2 and Civilizations.


Turn of the AA and HBAO, and turn on the less CPU killer options. Should offer a better experience.


Mar 16, 2013

Good thing I got a GTX 770. :3 lol


Mar 16, 2013

I wonder if you fell victim to the Server Lag as well. I think by micro-stuttering you mean that constant failed supply of frames, not really that your character in the world has that "micro" stutter.

The same thing happened with BF3. Everyone was getting about 100-120 FPS, however for the first ~hour it was "stuttering" really bad. This was server side i believe, and the same thing is happening for BF4. Apparently they fixed it and its fine now, my friend said that today there was nothing of the sort. I'll have to see for myself. but if it is actually "micro-stuttering," you should see quick tiny stutters, not just giant frame gaps. Let me know what you are getting. ^_^


Mar 16, 2013

I find the fact that AMD is releasing a card (that apparently is better than the Titan stock, which seems very unlikely imo), for such a low price. Unless they are a miracle of a company and actually don't scam people like every company does, then this will definitely bring AMD back up to power. ^_^


Sep 30, 2012

Richland CPU overclocks much, much better than Trinity does. Whatever AMD did in the richland refresh might be what we're seeing in in the PD refresh.

However I do think there is possibility of AMD adding more cores. A large argument for buying AMD Is that you get the multi-thread performance of a much more expensive Intel chip at the cost of single thread performance.

The problem is Haswell-E is going to be 6 core and 8 core only. Meaning that we might see affordable 6 core CPUs from Intel at that time.

If Intel delivers a $350 hex core CPU, the 4m/8c chip at $200 now only fits at that price range for multi-thread workload and it's too much to ask for given the hit PD takes in single thread.

Also, you missed my point. AMD has been pushing for more cores for a while. Remember when 8 cores came out and it was complete overkill?

But the reason for doing this would be to improve income from existing products. Like I said, instead of saving the good 300mm^2 chips for a $200 price point, they are now sold at a much higher price point.

Then, the 4m/8c is no longer a perfect 300mm^2 die and instead replaces FX 4000 series in terms of being a disabled chip, except it can still be sold for $175 to $200 as opposed to what FX 4000 series sells for now.

300mm^2 HDL chip with 6m/12c would be far, far more profitable for AMD than a 300mm^2 4m/8c SR chip.

If AMD sold FX SR 4m/8c chip again, they would be stuck with a sub $300 300mm^2+ die.

AFAIK AMD is the only company I know that sells a 300+mm^2 die at $109 for the disabled part.

In that price range, AMD is using a 315mm^2 disabled chip to compete with 80mm^2 Intel chips.

And folks wonder why AMD CPU division is not making money?
4770, and 4670k at 177mm^2 competing with 315mm^2 vishera
3770k, 3670k at 160mm^1 competing with 315mm^2 vishera

AMD releasing HDL Piledriver with 6m/12c die would not be about giving people more cores, it would be about getting doing something about their horrible die size to price ratio compared to Intel.

As for the performance hit, yeah you're right IIRC. However maybe AMD could make up for it via RCM or whatever they did with Richland.

Regardless, the point I'm getting at is that AMD needs a way to either charge more for the same die size or lower the die size if they want to make money off of their dCPUs.

SR FX with 4m/8c at 300mm^2+ selling for FX 8350 prices isn't going to fix that.

It's what they should do and I totally agree with the price. If they release the 290X at $1KUSD they'll be competing not only in "true" performance, but "perceived" performance from everywhere. If they bring it at a lower price, perform better, they'll re-take some of the nVidia light on stage. That's what they need badly now. Turn people's heads in any way they can. Mr Read knows how to sell stuff, and he's doing a fine job IMO with his strategies at least. Also, I'm pretty sure they'll make a pretty decent profit at $700USD per card sold.

Now, nVidia is not gonna sit still and let AMD steal the show, of course (I hope?), so we'll see lower prices and a fierce battle yet again. I'm sure AMD will bring the $700USD price tag to $500USD before Q2-2014 and the rest of the line up as well.

Interesting times ahead, yet again, hehe.


When you talk about FM2+ or AM3+, you're talking about sockets. AM3+ has ~940 and FM2+ has ~906 pins.

The difference between a MoBo with AM3+ and FM2 are 2 main ones: Video support for APUs (socket interconnects for that -> different sockets altogether) and Chipset.

What they're trying to tell you is that AMD will save money down the road putting everything what they support now in AM3+ inside the FM2+ socket infrastructure. That's all.


EDIT: Forgot the word "pins", lol.

This was your original statement:

"with fm2+ all the extra video outputs cost money,great for igfx apu but a wast if your using discrete. I can see a am4 or something else for the discrete crowd."

What palladin is trying to tell you, going AM4 (meaning, a socket with no interconnects for video output for APUs as a succesor of AM3+) makes little sense because of having 2 different platforms that differ in such a little point (video interconnects) is going to end up costing more to the end user and the company.

In other words, making FM2+ the default socket going forward for regular iGPU-less CPUs (FX line and Athlons) makes more business sense in a lot of ways and we can have saving as end users if AMD decides to do so.

Now, this is under the assumption that if AMD is planning on a new AM4 socket, it won't differ much from current FM2+ in terms of functionality (for instance, no quad channel nor a bazillion new interconnects).

Is it clearer now?


My sarcasm detector is beeping, but I'll still answer because I'm a great guy and all.

It is clear to me that you don't understand anything about costs in manufacturing and I'm not the correct person to teach you that. Or to give you a detailed, professional answer.

Well, I didn't answer, but I still feel good about it, haha.



Mar 19, 2013

There are rumours that Richland secret is "a fully functional Resonant Clock Mesh".

Considering that 1 core SR @ 4GHz ~ 2 core jaguar @ 2GHz, the fact that the top Kaveri APU was a 4C configuration seems logical to me. However, a SR 4C cannot compete with a PD 8 core

4C SR ~ i5 ~ FX-6000

I think that this isn't a huge problem for AMD because >90% of gamers don't use i7 and FX-8000.

However, it is possible that AMD releases 6C/8C APUs in the future, 2015? 2016? A 6C SR would probably be in the same performance envelope than ~ i7 or a FX-8000, but I have not studied this enough.

Regarding AMD vision: AMD did clear, during Hot Chips 2013, that their strategy is moving from pushing for "moar cores" to HSA





Let me take a stab at explaining this:

You are talking about costs solely to produce the boards...yes?

Now, if AMD does an AM4 socket, there are design costs for doing so. You have to pay engineers to develop flow charts, and you have to pay for production samples, new chipsets, etc.

Now, if your AM4 socket is only going to be FM2+ without video ports, why pay those expensive design and preliminary fab costs when you have a solution that can be made to work?

The short answer is: from a business perspective you wouldn't.

Now, that precludes the idea that AM4 may have quad channel memory, and other tidbits that could carry over from the server side. Which makes the conversation a bit more intriguing.

Suppose SR FX has quad channel memory, and HDL libraries and several other things borrowing from server architecture. Then what you would do, as a business, is take your existing server technology and adapt it. This reduces initial design and fab costs, because you have a baseline that needs minor adjustments.

Now, the one issue there is, the server architecture can run quad channel memory off of a 2 die CPU that drops into a single socket (picture 2 separate FX 8350's operating as one CPU). So, if they were going to a single die CPU with quad channel memory, you would need to make the necessary changes, even though you already have the memory channels and other things designed into a board.

So, it depends entirely on the direction AMD takes, I would love to see a quad channel memory, PCIe 3.0, HDL libraries, SR FX on AM4 with DDR4 support. The question lies at, will AMD do it...?


Oct 7, 2012
20nm PD? That actually sounds really good. I suspect a 15%-18% IPC boost from that if it actually happens :D

I'd be down for that if we don't get AM3+ SteamRoller. This would also mean higher clocks? If AMD were to get at least 15% boost in IPC, how close would they be to Intel? Hmmm... (in other words, I might make a purchase on that instead)

I think this tourist guy is just trolling. Leave em alone. lol

@8350rocks: I concur, I'd like to see all that from AMD as well...


Mar 19, 2013

No, unless you don't trust what AMD is saying neither the official roadmaps.


Well, at least I don't remember if AMD has said anything about going with a new "AM4" or keeping FM2+ for more than APUs and its derivatives.

And I'm lazy enough to not go back a bazillion pages to look for that info, haha. Do you have anything, juanrga?




I would point out to you that AMD has only released the official APU roadmap. They have not stated at all, one way or another, that CPUs are dead. They have been, in fact, silent as the grave about the matter. Which means one of 2 things: either they're discontinuing them all together (fool's errand in my mind), or, they're waiting to make an enormous announcement once they have everything worked out.

I am hoping for the latter, and admittedly, would be shocked/dumbfounded if the former were actually the truth.

If AMD abandon HEDT, as you insist they will, they will be abandoning the segment of DT sales where they actually have the *largest* market share.

Now why on earth would anyone with half a brain do that? They wouldn't...


Oct 7, 2012


Lol, ignorance will get you banned. The ban hammer is heavy, swift, and not often seen. But if you're going to continue on this way, you will not be relevant here long.

We're here to learn from others and to speculate on a new product that may or may not be coming out yet.

You made a mistake, big deal. Move on and learn some more :)

Everything you have stated is uncalled for


Thought you guys might be interested to see this information on the Steam Boxes.


Well, sadly, AMD has 28% market share in HEDT, and even though they sell 70% of their CPUs as APUs, they are still roughly 24% of mainstream DTs, because OEM penetration is still relatively low compared to Intel.

So, would you want to try to push for more of the high volume low margin parts as a business, or, would you want to push the lesser volume higher margin parts (where you already have more market share to begin with)?
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