8350rocks :
juanrga :
8350rocks :
LOL. This is the fifth time that you ask me if Android is a full blown desktop OS and this is the fifth time that I say you: NO
And why do you insist on confounding Android with some of the ARM OS that are ready or are being developed?
Ask this question rocks: do you really believe that the ARM supercomputer that is being developed will run Android?
Who is developing an ARM OS? M$? Red Hat? Apple?
No, none of those are even considering an ARM DT OS. Canonical has a mobile OS called Ubuntu Touch that will run on ARM. Their DT version isn't nearly as capable as the x86 version.
Apparently, you are caught in an endless loop:
while 2 != 3 {
RISC is "incomplete" // (first mistake)
ARM is "incomplete" // (second mistake)
ARM cannot run a complete DT OS // (third mistake)
ARM only can run Android // (misguided conclusion)
I take note that you didn't offer any answer about if you believe that the ARM supercomputer will run Android or not.
I never said ARM has to run Android, I said it won't be a viable DT PC architecture without a DT capable OS. Which it doesn't have, and one is not imminently on the horizon either.
Your loop seems to be:
If 0 != 1 {
ARM will replace x86 without a software environment
NVidia will magically become a player in ARM race, even though their Tegra projects are hemorrhaging money.
Seattle will magically rule the world, even though it's not built yet.
ARM has a DT capable OS, but no one can produce the evidence
Else {
The entire thread is wrong about ARM, and juanrga is right even though there is no real world numbers for Seattle, or a DT OS, or a software environment
Frankly, I am not taking speculation of Kaveri into account, only the benchmarks from the early ES's. Additionally, based on what I can project, we can make assumptions from the performance of PD and get rough ideas.
You are making assumptions attempting to extrapolate data from an ARM chip of a caliber not yet made. Additionally, the performance figures you quote are entirely speculation with no prior architecture example as a baseline. You sell this as though it is gold, and expect us to buy. Sorry, but if I am buying gold, I have to have it verified that I am getting what I am indeed thinking I am buying.
Can we get off the topic of ARM now?
If 0 != 1 {
Else {
If your usual code looks like that, I want to see your work
griptwister :
Is it possible that juanrga is using this topic just so that way we view his site?
If you want to reproduce the entire Steamroller article it in your own site or in any other place, you can do it. The license is Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).
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