You're right I thought it was AMD, but it wasn't.This is false, AMD was adamant that the XTX was competing against the 4080,
You're right I thought it was AMD, but it wasn't.This is false, AMD was adamant that the XTX was competing against the 4080,
while true.....if they can make better mid tier cards then that may get them the share they want long term.Avoiding competition for the high-end of consumer GPUs, has been a terrible decision on AMD’s part.
You’d think several consecutive years of declining market share would’ve tipped them off.
But it turns out no.
which amd hasn't ever won in many generations.High-end establishes brand wins with benchmark wins
High-end buyers aren't price sensitive. For AMD to go high-end, it has to beat 5090 on performance. Bang/buck is not a thing for high-end
Agree, but nothing in life worth having is "easy." It won't be easy for the shareholders who think short-term. For the shareholders who have longer-term thinking, it won't be easy either, but it might just be worth it.Here is the easy way to win their market share : launch a GOOD and CHEAP GPU!!! Remember when the GTX 1070 launched for $350 actually beating the previous flagship GTX 980 TI that launched for almost double the price? Just release a 7900XTX at the same $350 price point!! Who in their sane mind is going to pay $600 (or $650/$700) for the RTX 5070 which will prolly reach GTX 4080 performance, when you can raster the same at half the price?? AMD is NOT going to win marketshare underpricing NV by $50 or $100.
Read the room. They competed near the top with the 6900/6950 XT and 7900 XTX. Their market share remains atrocious."Nvidia gave up on gaming GPUs, let's do that too"
Classic AMD
You might be right about the halo effect. But it works better if you actually have the winning halo. And a perceived software lead is part of it, unfortunately for AMD.Unfortunately, halo products (eg 4090) do matter, for sales of mid and budget. To wit Steam's GPU survey for Aug'24. Saying it's an Nvidia dominance would be a drastic understatement.
7900XTX failed because it was really a 7900XT with the 7900XT the true 7800XT. Only Nvidia gets away with things like that because they own the market.Apart from the unsaid low-priority issue--AI being more profitable--also left unsaid is that AMD likely doesn't have the capability to compete against the 5090/4090 at the high end. So the question isn't "should AMD compete at high-end," as posed by THW, but rather "should AMD try anyway, even if it can't compete."
Per the 7900XTX's lackluster reception, the answer would be a big fat NO.
If anything, 7900XTX's weak performance vs 4090 did more to hurt the Radeon brand than to help it. If you can't win a fight, it's better to avoid the fight in the first place, than let the world know you're a loser.
The response is so obvious that I'm surprised the question is even asked. But I suppose it must, since the whole crux of "enthusiast PC" revolves around gaming these days. The GPU is now considered more important than the CPU, costing multiple times more, using up much more power, taking up much more space. The CPU's role is as a second banana, to not bottleneck the GPU.
So, it's understandable but at the same time somewhat amusing that J.Huynh had to repeat his "don't worry" three times. It's like a politician handing out campaign promises to constituents. You have to talk nice to everyone, even if you don't have much substance to offer.
Huynh's "I'm for scale" is of course a plausible rationale, just as THW's "halo products matter." But rationales tend to be after-the-fact excuses, and the fact is that AMD has neither the capability nor the motivation to compete on high-end GPU. No need to overthink it.
I would expect the optimizations in ispecific AMD GPU hardware vs NVidia GPU Hardware and their associated API calls, not to mention drivers. Example, while both Intel and AMD offer x86 processor's and they understand the same language, more or less, they do have differing implementation and additional functions that the other may not therefore you optimize for both the different implementation and then the difference in functions available, for game engine developers and the games themselves to take advantage. But this isnt' my area so probably some of the game developers can answer.Yeah, I got that. It's just that I don't quite understand what exactly do they need the developers for? Is it the game engines themselves so it's the game engine developers we're talking about here or the game developers?
My naïve ass was assuming that DirectX is some standard interface between GPU and the game.
Yup, believe theYou might be right about the halo effect. But it works better if you actually have the winning halo. And a perceived software lead is part of it, unfortunately for AMD.
As we all should know, AMD will switch strategies and naming schemes after just one generation. So if they think they can do better with some RDNA5 chiplet monster, they might try to grab the halo again. Until then, focusing on cheaper products when people are grumbling about high prices could be a good idea. If they can even allocate wafers to it.
Intel has other problems. GPU's aren't going to matter for sometime for them. What's interesting is that are getting their lunch eaten in the server /data space by AMD where the big bucks are, ARM is becoming a stronger in this space, and the PC/laptop market is shrinking which is where they are strongest. As consumers start consuming their compute in various new ways and devices. They missed the boat on the crypto craze, and becausethey are lacking in strong GPU tech, they will be lacking in the AI department. I'm not quite sure anyone is worried about Intel in the GPU space for many many other reasons. But Intel has a ton of IP and still a very very very large business and brand mind share, betting on Intel could be a big winner or a heck of a bust. But I want bet on them in GPU space anytime soon. Maybe they'll do something in NPU space but I think Intel is the ford/gm of the microprocessor industry at the moment.AMD is afraid for Intel's advancements with their graphics cards. No one beats Nvidia and AMD is first one to see this hence AMD's main focus now will be to compete with Intel's upcoming graphics cards. AMD, good luck. You will need it if max profits in low/mid end GPUs is your goal.
I really don't think the halo effect is as big a deal as people make it out to be. AMD since the 5700XT has launched price competitive with nvidia and nvidia has the mindshare. If AMD launches the 7600 as a $200-225 part and the 7900 XT as a $700 part this entire generation starts to look different. Instead they both launched price competitive and people kept buying nvidia because the raster performance/$ was close enough with nvidia having the feature advantage. Launch pricing dictates so much of the narrative and how reviews come across which in turn dictates the generation.>so long as AMD can have great drivers & features w/ performance at a cost for the mid tier ppl? thats a win.
Unfortunately, halo products (eg 4090) do matter, for sales of mid and budget. To wit Steam's GPU survey for Aug'24. Saying it's an Nvidia dominance would be a drastic understatement.
Success of 6900 XT was insane. It actually drove Nvidia so insane that they created a GPU consuming 450 Watts of power, fearing they may lose to next generation of AMD if they do not adhere to such methods .They competed near the top with the 6900/6950 XT and 7900 XTX. Their market share remains atrocious.
DLSS has done nothing but to degrade modern gaming quality. 7 years since DLSS introduced and even the best implemented versions of it have many visual bugs/degradation in quality. You may say but it has increased gaming FPS greatly, but that was what developers would've pursued to accomplish. Instead they are like "user will turn on upscaler anyway, no need for optimization!".Nvidia is always introducing the new stuff, like gsync, AI and DLSS.
I'm not sure there is any overcoming the obscene (at times unwarranted) Nvidia mindshare at this point. This strategy of abandoning the high end, while it is the right and worthwhile thing to do on paper, didn't really pay dividends for AMD when they tried it before with the RX 480+rebrands to RX5000 series, and the 'technology' discrepancy wasn't even that extreme at the time (except perhaps the power consumption).
It'd be nice to be proven wrong because I'm sick of the state of the consumer GPU market lately, but unlike Intel, Nvidia haven't taken their foot off the pedal. I just can't see it happening within a reasonable number of generations unless AMD somehow manage to produce a product that's absolutely stunning from a price/performance perspective - and even then I rather doubt it. Mindshare is a powerful thing. Not to mention AMD are likely still heavily focussed on directing wafers to the nonsense that is AI.
Yeah I can't believe nobody else is bringing up Intel. AMD doesn't have the resources to compete with Nvidia at the top and Intel at the bottom at the same time. Keeping Intel down by targeting the one place they have a hope of competing in (mid-range) is the smart long-term strategy. If AMD tries and fails to beat Nvidia at the high-end (which is pretty much a given at this point) they give Intel a chance to get a foothold in the market where they could push their powerful developer relationships and frankly, superior feature set to decimate AMD's already meager market share.AMD is afraid for Intel's advancements with their graphics cards. No one beats Nvidia and AMD is first one to see this hence AMD's main focus now will be to compete with Intel's upcoming graphics cards. AMD, good luck. You will need it if max profits in low/mid end GPUs is your goal.
Yeah, I got that. It's just that I don't quite understand what exactly do they need the developers for? Is it the game engines themselves so it's the game engine developers we're talking about here or the game developers?
My naïve ass was assuming that DirectX is some standard interface between GPU and the game.
The rumor mill thought this was doable with RDNA3, double stacking the L3 from 96 to 192 MiB. That didn't happen and the Infinity Cache amount actually went down for everything above the 7600 XT, without much fanfare. I guess 32 MiB is the minimum you want for a 1080p/1440p card.Now that their GPUs also have L3 cache, I wonder if 3D stacking them on the die is the plan for the future. Imagine X3D CPU + X3D GPU.
AMD will get more rasterization frames without upscaling than Intel, even with Intel's significant improvements, but Intel is sneaking in a victory on the features side with smoother fixed frame delivery, better upscaling and raytracing. If AMD is looking to win with only rasterization/$ they may face the same outcome with Intel that they have had with Nvidia. To a vocal minority max framerate rast/$ is most important, but that is a minority. Just sems like Intel has snuck ahead on other things.AMD is afraid for Intel's advancements with their graphics cards. No one beats Nvidia and AMD is first one to see this hence AMD's main focus now will be to compete with Intel's upcoming graphics cards. AMD, good luck. You will need it if max profits in low/mid end GPUs is your goal.
halo products dont matter to the people who don't spend that much on them.>so long as AMD can have great drivers & features w/ performance at a cost for the mid tier ppl? thats a win.
Unfortunately, halo products (eg 4090) do matter, for sales of mid and budget. To wit Steam's GPU survey for Aug'24. Saying it's an Nvidia dominance would be a drastic understatement.