Well as Jonnyguru and GN a bit later pointed out, only a very bad connection can cause this problem. Anything else they tried didn’t reproduce the burning issue. So I suspect that the cable (as Steve also said), is kinda hard to attach and not very well visible as well. So if you’re not that careful it can absolutely happen to not attach it properly, as in, it doesn’t “click” and you just think it’s attached. And then maybe you do some cable routing as well, and tadaa, the cable is even looser after that, leading to the burning problem of the cable or connector. The issue is that it’s a very small connector but it has a lot of smaller PINs, so it’s not as easy to attach than the 8 Pin connector.Given the same user doing this exact same procedure dozens or hundreds of times in the past on earlier components, and now, with a somewhat different connection and more power running through the connection...and now we have "problems to the point of Flame On"....to me, that would point to a design issue.
As in....why is it so easy for seemingly experienced users to get it wrong?
What is now different?