[citation][nom]ZootyGray[/nom]That's your mistake. ntel does not require your support; not do they care about you. They have hurt you and now you reward them? Additionally you do not need ntel. The other company is much more innovative - keep watching. Intel is following AMD. Question the marketing machine - talk, misleading talk - you speak like you know because they have told you what to say. It is called training parrots. Wait for the releases and see the truth - beyond the biased carefully selected tests - one of the biggest bias areas is test conditions that can be easily adapted to illustrate through slight of hand. Anadtech is the worst for making ntel look good, and especially for making AMD look bad. The 2 are closer than you think. Not that 2, the other 2.[/citation]
...While innovating,their CPU's themselves aren't changing.Research and development please???
I'm tired of your spam of AMD fanboyism,it's really getting old,besides.Prove AMD is literally(NOT THEORITICALLY) better(right now,and when the new processors are released from both sides).I could give you a loan,perhaps 😉