The comments here are kinda funny, don't you think. Everyone would have done the same thing, silently gloating, speaking with friends, having a party over winning a case, but when someone big like AMD wins and wants to gloat a bit after 9 years, they are childish. Lol too funny.
Even if you wouldn't, realise that there are plenty of people who would who are older than 18. So it's not childish, it's human nature, even if some don't have it.
And about giving it back to the people, it's a rule, without fines people would keep breaking rules. Why are you fined on the road when you drive to fast, because it's unsafe for other drivers. The police won't go and hand your fine to everyone on the road that night, they still fine you, just because if they don't, you would drive too hard every night and people will get hurt.
And for all that think AMD is sitting waiting on money to get to them or like making inferior products, they have a good product. The Phenom II is a great processor, a great comeback from the Phenom who proofed that 65nm isn't really that great, just like intel has known for a while. With the new 45nm and ddr3 support they are ready to give out punches again. They might not have a ferarri, but almost no one drives one anyway.