AMD gets smashed in new games (benches inside)

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Did you read the benchmarks? AMD cannot compete CPU wise anymore.

LMAO, judging by your name, an nvidia troll. The link you gave has GTX 680 getting smashed by 7970.

Point is FX-8350 can't compete with i7, we all know that. Thank you very much, its priced to be between i5 and i3

Judging by your name, you are a fat bastard. The 680 and 7970 trade blows. This is about AMD's pitiful CPU performance.
AMD isn't in the "high end" market for CPU's anymore. However, they have been holding quite well in the GPU arena. When they bought out ATi, I really thought they'd end their competitive edge completely. However; as hardware grew, the noticeable difference between an i5/i7 and a low priced FX chip from AMD for the general consumer; yeah not much noticeable until you see the price tag.

AMD isn't able to aim their chips at the high end of things anymore; their R&D just has hit the total can in the face with a size 15 boot. But what they can still do is what made them so predominant in the market in the first place. A chip for a large percentage less that performs rather well. Back in the era of the Thunderbird processors and Pentium 4's; clock for clock AMD held the crown. 1.5Ghz processors beating out 2.0Ghz processors proving the frequency can mean nothing in architecture. Now, AMD holds the title for the fastest. But that's like comparing a Ferrari to a Chevy Sonic. Will they both drive you to the continent store? Sure, just one can do it a LOT faster.

And last, benchmarks mean little to nothing anymore. Especially around CPU's. The performance differences you'll see in even the most demanding games and applications from a consumer point of view; not worth arguing about.

So, if you want to be a troll, go back under your bridge. But if you're going to come out and yell, I suggest you do it outside of your house as far away from the keyboard as possible. :)
i7 is not meant for gaming anyways.
anyone who buys it for gaming is a fool.
the competition is between i5 and 8350 .
and yes i5 wins while consuming less power.
but then anyone who buys 8350 for gaming is a fool anyways unless the person already has am3+ socket in which case its a decent choice.
and who says a dual core is not for serious gamers ? someone needs to clear their heads coz not everyone can afford i5.
look up benchmarks for i3 3220 in games
it beats each and every amd cpu yeah even the 8350.
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