The OP should rename this thread to "Herpes"...the gift that keeps on giving
Atol all your posts are the same crap over and over again. You're an AMD fanboy and need to get over it. Stop calling me an intel fanboy and BSing about me bashing everything unless its about intel. :roll:
I will never turn my back on Amd.
I wish tomshardware forum gave a crap and kick some people off this forum and give people like me and jack and 50 so other people a website that not 90% flame wars.
ACTION_MAN FAN BOY! :twisted:Ok atol you're a complete tosser. I'm not a fanboy, you are and you're in denial. STFU and get over it, no-one cares what you have to say. You constant comparing me to 9nm proves just how much of a dipsh!t you really are.
You're so intelligent that you need the sentence to be broken in pieces to understand it:
If you'd have really read it, you'd see that 99% of this thread is BS, unexplained insults addressed to me by AM and blind following of wusy. There's marely 1-2 technical posts and all the rest is their highly educated ways of telling me that I am so wrong; not a reason, not an explanation why.
You're so intelligent that you need the sentence to be broken in pieces to understand it:
If you'd have really read it, you'd see that 99% of this thread is BS, unexplained insults addressed to me by AM and blind following of wusy. There's marely 1-2 technical posts and all the rest is their highly educated ways of telling me that I am so wrong; not a reason, not an explanation why.
You all need to take a moment and stop this flame war going on here.
Action_Man, altough you say you're not a fanboy (and I really don't care if you are or not), you do behave like MMM and 9-inch with this insulting, and this is not helpful for anyone (neither for you, cause I'm assuming you have better things to do in your life than posting insults in the forum).
Wusy, by the number of posts and time in this forum, I thought you should have understood that flamming won't help out anyone.![]()
m25, for someone who said he wouldn't reply for insults anymore you should have stuck with that decision, which was among the best post of yours in this topic.
Instead of bashing at each other, you all should try to discuss as civilised people and argue with INTELLIGENT arguments about your opinions on the architecture posted here or the reason people shouldn't post images.
PS - Focus on the Intelligent part of the discussion!
but you must agree you've been too agressive & insultuous,
but you must agree you've been too agressive & insultuous,
http://sharikou.blogspot.com/ :?
Found this while searching for benchmarks...
Didnt find any benchmarks yet 🙁
What ovrckld amd is better than a ovrckld 805 in price/performance? :? :?:Ya it can be seen as fanboi-ism.
I was saying
*if price/performance ratio is negligible then go for AMD
*if price/performance ratio of AMD = Intel then go for AMD
Currently, in the high end market, the Intels price/performance ratio cannot b negligible so go for Intel.
I would advice to buy any Intel Core Duo 2 processors. They r highly overclockable!
If u dont buy a Core 2 duo then go for an AMD processor... those r better than intels older processors (Pentium D, Pentium 4, etc)
All crap you're posting is OLD! :roll:
yes! listen to Action the expert (fanboy).All this crap you're posting is old you noob. Stop bumping this crappy thread.
ACTION_MAN FAN BOY! :twisted:Ok atol you're a complete tosser. I'm not a fanboy, you are and you're in denial. STFU and get over it, no-one cares what you have to say. You constant comparing me to 9nm proves just how much of a dipsh!t you really are.
You're so intelligent that you need the sentence to be broken in pieces to understand it:
If you'd have really read it, you'd see that 99% of this thread is BS, unexplained insults addressed to me by AM and blind following of wusy. There's marely 1-2 technical posts and all the rest is their highly educated ways of telling me that I am so wrong; not a reason, not an explanation why.
He's right guys, it's over, let's close the thread and go do something productive. 8):roll: :roll:
My AMD 64 4000+ made me some what of an AMD fan boy so I am kind of hoping AMD can keep up with Intel. If Intel goes to 45nm next year then AMD is in for some trouble 🙁