News AMD may have delayed Ryzen 9000 launch due to a typo — mislabeled Ryzen 7 chip emerges, Ryzen 5 9600X impacted, too [Updated]

It doesn't jive that a simple typo from Ryzen 7 to 9 is the cause for alarm and costing them likely tens of thousands in shipping, delay, and repackaging, as long as the model is correct it'd be easy enough to put out a disclaimer that some early models may be mislabeled 7 for 9 unless AMD is planning to release both a 7 and 9 variant of the same model, which is unlikely.
Holy cow... If you can find one of these, then they'll definitely become collector items!

Also, pretty friggen embarrasing, but at least it's not due to actual silicon issues.

And if you allow me, why did they also delay the review samples due to this? That does not completely makes sense to me. They could have just sent out a note saying "oopsie, we misprinted" and get the reviews done. So... I can't help but think 4D Chess.

It doesn't jive that a simple typo from Ryzen 7 to 9 is the cause for alarm and costing them likely tens of thousands in shipping, delay, and repackaging, as long as the model is correct it'd be easy enough to put out a disclaimer that some early models may be mislabeled 7 for 9 unless AMD is planning to release both a 7 and 9 variant of the same model, which is unlikely.
it can as it can make people think they are being scammed.
its cheaper long run to delay and fix.
Jul 27, 2024
it can make people think they are being scammed

Well, in order to avoid being MISLEADING, they should name them as follows:

9600X => Ryzen 3 9300X (competes with entry-level Intel offerings)
9700X => Ryzen 5 9550X (loses to Intel's x600K SKUs)
9900X => Ryzen 7 9650X (loses to Intel's x700K SKUs)
9950X => Ryzen 9 9880X (competes with Intel's x900K SKUs)

9800X3D => Ryzen 5 9500X3D (multi-core performance on par with Intel's previous-gen x600K SKU)
