AMD PCI E 16 3.0 motherboard?


Nov 28, 2014
I would like to know if there is an AMD MOBO with a PCIE-16 3.0? I want to get a liquid cooled graphics card, but as far as I can find they only come in 3.0. I know 3.0 is backward compatible, but who wants to hitch a street rod up to a trailer? If I have to upgrade both, I want to do it in style. I really don't want to have to change processors to accomplish this.
amd does not support pcie 3.0 yet. however, you won't see any performance drop from a x16 2.0 slot.

it has been shown over and over that no card needs the 3.0 bandwidth right now and probably won't for a long time to come. so grab that card and enjoy your gaming with no worries.
amd does not support pcie 3.0 yet. however, you won't see any performance drop from a x16 2.0 slot.

it has been shown over and over that no card needs the 3.0 bandwidth right now and probably won't for a long time to come. so grab that card and enjoy your gaming with no worries.

hhhhmmmmm first time i have ever seen this. i stand corrected as it seems 3.0 has come to amd. however, it's still not needed and $200 is a lot just for a spec you don't need
thanks for the link. always good to be up to speed on what's out there. this quote is interesting "The 48-lane PCIe 3.0 PLX chip lets two PCI Express x16 slots to operate at PCIe 3.0 data-rates, which may boost performance of high-end multi-GPU configurations."

does this mean you get some extra speed only in 2 card set-ups and not with a single card? it's still an interesting idea to help the aging platform some.

Thanks for the help, although the Gen 3 seems to be out of stock....everywhere. Just read that the 2 to 3 difference isn't worth the $$'s.

Really? Is there any noticeable improvement?.....refresh....anything?