AMD Piledriver rumours ... and expert conjecture

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We have had several requests for a sticky on AMD's yet to be released Piledriver architecture ... so here it is.

I want to make a few things clear though.

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Enjoy ...
I've found that some of my old DOS games run better on modern emulators (DOSBox) than on the original hardware/drivers :lol:
Sound drivers were particularly troublesome.

Stares at my ISA soundcard collection and thinks "got that covered". A good SB or a Gus and a decent opl2 or better capable card with the right settings takes care of most games without much fuss except. Hugs my 486dx2 system with 8mhz turbo mode. :sol:
seriously??!! I wonder where u live at... :)
Location : You'd better not stalk!

muttering in my head
wild 😗
UTC+10, UTC+8, UTC+9:30
I do not use those particular programs but the benchmarks that some sites run include Photoshop and Autodesk programs. Certification sometimes involves the CPU maker giving the program publisher money to "certify" their CPUs, so I doubt AMD will be willing to do that to Autodesk. That is part of what is required in marketing a workstation CPU and AMD isn't in that game. As a result, those programs are heavily optimized for Intel's CPUs. You can run them on AMD CPUs, they will just run slower than you think they should.

I bet that Piledriver will probably not be a lot different in that regard, it is a mildly tweaked version of Bulldozer and the tweaks do not involve allowing the CPUID() vendor function to return anything other than "AuthenticAMD."

Hello Mu_Engineer,

Thanks a bunch for your honesty and knowledge. It was most informative. I was also under the impression CPU maker have to pay software suits companies to get a test certification because they test only a very limited number of CPUs and CPU maker are clearly not certified to get a fully compatible stamp for a specific CPU, I tell you that. Autodesk has more CPUs that are ok but with limits of compatibility than CPUs that are fully compatible and that is the main reason why I am so utterly hesitant.
You have no idea, well perhaps you do actually... but seriously work of hours suddenly vanishes into smokes if you do not have auto save turn ON or if you work on a new workflow is like dreadful! Sometime you sweat hard when the program slows down to a crawl or all of the sudden just crashes. Am just wondering about this all thread,
Is PC really PC anymore? I mean so many instanciated limits CPU/mainboard/components as well as CPU features versus programs you use that finding what the right stability compaonent versus programs you use is becoming of a gamble.

Thanks a bunch.

P.S: If you know any, would you please provide a link to a website with all CPUs on Photoshop and Autodesk benchmarks please. I have to google one CPU at a time and really rarely find anything for AMD BD based CPUs any benchmark beside floating points charts

My first pc was an old compaq that ran a 100mhz p1 and only had 16mb ram. The hard drive was only 1gb :lol:

My first was a 486 DXII66. The CD player that so not compatible with the mainboard and the mainboard battery was either way not meant for the motherboard or deffective so the BIOS was resetting every so often. That is how I came in the world of DIY PC :)
I rebuilt an old Gateway full tower 486 with a friend one time. The clock kept resetting and we figured out it was the MB battery, which turned out to be a AA alkaline (or maybe two) in a cartridge with wires running off to solder points on the MB. We doubled the RAM to 8 or 16 megs and loaded Windows 3.11.

It was a great project PC.
My first was a 486 DXII66. The CD player that so not compatible with the mainboard and the mainboard battery was either way not meant for the motherboard or deffective so the BIOS was resetting every so often. That is how I came in the world of DIY PC :)

486 era machines are still a lot of fun to tinker with and tweak but are sadly getting to be rare. 🙁
Got a very nice condition Packard Bell Legend with a 486dx2 66mhz that runs win 3.1 very nicely. Playing some old games that I used to enjoy back in my very early days in live lol. Rodent's Revenge :lol:
first computer I owned about 1982

Tandy Color Computer I with a "chiclet" style keyboard
16k ram
audio cassette for loading software
Motorola 6809E 8bit/16bit CPU at about 2.66mhz?
300 baud Hayes modem

big upgrades were a 5.25 floppy drive,dot matrix sheet fed printer
dreamed about a 20mb HD

cmon where are all us old fogies at?

Unless 1090 and 1100 BE prics drop I will probably go 1155/P67/2500K for my next mobo/cpu by the holidays
with a AM3 board it makes no sense to go AM3+/PD price vs performance wise
at Microcenter by me they have the 2500K at $169 USD
unless I can find a Thuban BE for under a $150 it makes no sense to do a AMD upgrade sad to say
it is a shame but I also am not a AMD or Intel fanboy
I just go for cheap vs performance

I am more of a Titanium Powder coating type of guy LOL
I am an Antec freak though
I have an Antec 300 with an Antec Kuhler 620 LC and an Antec High Current gamer series 520w LOL
now only if they made GPUs,mobos and ram
I wonder if it is possible to put together a PC with only two part makers
the Asus and Antec combo almost works besides neither one makes ram
hmmm....does ny1 else think that PD will manage a 20%-25% increase in performance/Watt over BD. 15% from improved IPC, and 10% from that cyclos tech ? Shud give AMD some room to breathe in the server area:)
to me, it looks like 20% via ipc and 50% less power usage for same performance (thus at least 50% more performance per watt. in comparison to bd)

i am waiting for any conformation on quad channel ram support and 10 core pd.

a 10 core quad channel supported cpu will surely push the intel to bring down the prices of their 6 core parts as currently there is no ivy 6core on the road

((Off topic - Graphics memory usage related)

1090T@3.7GHz on 4cores
4GB ddr3 single channel RAM @1098MHz CL6
HD6770 1GB 128bit wide GDDR5 @1000MHz GPU/1400MHz Memory

graphics settings
highest possible settings in games @ 1920x1200
24x aa
16x af
64x tessellation
and others at best quality

tool to measure Graphics memory usage: GPU-Z V 0.6.2


So it looks like that 1 GB is just enough (or not) at 1920x1200 on single monitor
do either one make PSUs and cases?

Asus for mobo, Corsair for PSU, case and RAM. And Corsair for KB now too and even headsets. I have mostly Corsair stuff now. Their Vengance series KB and headsets are great (I have the Vengance 1300 headset and the K90 keyboard, although its hard to get used to a mechanical KB again after so long).

Corsair 'makes' great PSUs and cases (though cases are certainly more of a personal preference thing).

Their PSUs are mostly (on the high end) Seasonic based. The lower end are a mix but overall the store I work at has had a lot of luck with the CX series in our builds. Less bad PSUs compared to a lot of other brands.

I love my 500R and the 650 is nice but the 500R I think (or 400R) is the best of them all in terms of price for features.
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