AMD Radeon Software Crimson Update 16.4.2 Has More XConnect, Crossfire Profiles

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I'd prefer a CF profile for an actually demanding game like say....The Division, which is a complete flickering mess with CF.

The patch also resolves several random issues unrelated to the graphics dock updates, including a varying range of problems with Crossfire performance in The Division, DOTA2, Hitman, Fallout 4, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the SteamVR Performance Test.

Did you read the article?
I'd prefer a CF profile for an actually demanding game like say....The Division, which is a complete flickering mess with CF.

The patch also resolves several random issues unrelated to the graphics dock updates, including a varying range of problems with Crossfire performance in The Division, DOTA2, Hitman, Fallout 4, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the SteamVR Performance Test.

Did you read the article?
He must have his name after Loki the god of deception 😉
I don't trust Crimson. Lost both an r9 290 and HD 7870 with Crimson enabled. Don't think there's anything wrong with my PSU or MOBO so..... I'm going over to Nvidia now.
I'd prefer a CF profile for an actually demanding game like say....The Division, which is a complete flickering mess with CF.

The patch also resolves several random issues unrelated to the graphics dock updates, including a varying range of problems with Crossfire performance in The Division, DOTA2, Hitman, Fallout 4, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the SteamVR Performance Test.

You mean like that? Read that article before posting.

Yeah, and then tested it with the *fix* just being a stuttering mess. Do you even have CF?
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