rexhavit :
If you want to overclock an AMD processor, you need to replace the entire cooling unit. ...
No! I run my overclocked Ryzen 5 on the stock cooler, and the case isn't particularly ventilated either.
george_osborne :
A thought on threading from a retired software engineer about hyper-threading only helps in certain scenarios. Your application has to be written and compiled to take advantage of this feature in some form. ...
Given that the software can make use of more threads than there are cores in the given CPU hyper-threading/SMT is
always better than not having it. The amount of advantage varies though, from 10% to 80%.
bgelfand :
I believe the author has erred in the assessment of Value. He has neglected the fact that Intel CPUs have built in graphics capabilities. ... I believe GPU feature alone would be worth at least $100 in today's GPU market. Second, I feel the author places too much emphasis on the AMD cooling fan. The Intel fan I have has been adequately cooling my CPU for the past 8-years...
Intel's IGPs are nowhere near a $100 discrete card in performance, but closer to a $30 card.
Also there are some enthusiast Intel motherboards that don't support integrated graphics.
But sure. Some value should be given to the IGPs. (And for the Optane option.)
As for the stock coolers: Intel coolers are decidedly noisier and provide less cooling headroom than the AMD counterparts. The one possible exception is that AMD now provide their Stealth cooler with the 2600, which is a step down from the Wraith provided with the 1600.
barryv88 :
I'd call gaming performance between the two a draw.
I totally agree!
(And for those that want to use the CPU for also streaming video while playing the Ryzen win big!)
So to sum it up:
Features: Marginal win Intel (IGP, Optane, Thunderbolt) 1p
Overclocking: Draw. 0p (Intel has few CPUs/mobos that allow good overclock. AMD has all CPUs and most mobos provide mediocre
automatic overclock, even with the boxed coolers.)
Stock Coolers: AMD +1p
Motherboards: AMD +1p
Gaming performance: Draw (small differences depending on game)
Productivity: Draw (usage dependant)
Value: AMD +2p
RESULT: Intel 1p, AMD 4p