rgcookjr :
Competition has forced significant advance by AMD in the last couple years. Intel has been able to cruise merrily along with status quo tic/toc updates. Anyone who thinks Intel won't respond to this is delusional.
The issue is that Intel's response has been with the 8th and 9th gen processors. 14nm is currently maxed out for them. 10nm will come out at the end of the year, but 1st gen 10nm is likely to perform worse than 14nm. It will likely take one or maybe even two 10nm updates to bring it to par with curent 14nm+++. Even worse, the first architecture to come out on 10nm will be Cannon Lake, which will probably be only a little better than Skylake.
In short, due to process and architecture constraints, Intel probably won't be able to seriously respond for at least 1 year, possibly 2.
Now, when Jim Keller finishes his new architecture and Intel starts producing those CPU's, AMD will probably be screwed.