That's because you don't have a 2080ti. If you did, the GPU would be demanding
400fps, and then your CPU would start to bottleneck (not only is cpu bottlneck unrealistic, but unless you paid well over $1000 for a GPU, it isn't even that easy to do).
But because you have a reasonable CPU/GPU combo - you may never even be able to see a CPU bottlneck even if you tried your hardest. Most people never ever would see a CPU bottleneck in
any gaming situation -that is why I have issue with reviewers who don't give us at least a little real world gaming numbers along with their "no real scenario" bottleneck ones.
Let us see both, so a certain type of overly susceptible person doesn't go around making comments about "CPU" gaming numbers as though they actually get these numbers at their PC at home ... when they are speaking nothing other than a scenario that doesn't really exist in the real world. Its become an epidemic.
I saw a review yesterday that had 4k resolution ultra quality with the 2080ti -- every CPU got the exact same FPS, save for the r5 1600, which was down 2FPS from all th eothers that included 5.2OC 9900k. All the same. Real world. Intel would be so proud of me spreading "real world gaming" words of wisdom.