AMD Sapphire 7950 Upgrade


Oct 12, 2013
I'm looking to upgrade my video card. Considering my situation where my GPU might have died I would like to get it repaired soon. I'm looking at my options I got $500 and my video card is a sapphire AMD Radeon 7950. In terms of space I have available here's the link to the case that i currently have.

I know I could probably wait for the 1070 but I would like to have an upgrade right now and I can save up for the 1070 when the new editions come out.
That is the exact 980 I have, it has high performance, some neat-o apps, lighting changes, and other things (really like to heat pipes, too). That case will fit that GPU just fine.
Like Onus just said, if you don't want to wait and have a budget, go for a GTX 960/970. The prices have dropped and they offer some good performance. Or (I know, I know) you could wait for the RX 480.

he said he has $500 to spend...

He wants an upgrade as of right now, he doesn't want to wait. Hence why we gave him the options we did. He could also go for a 980Ti with that kind of money and it'll perform great.

What about the gtx 980? I'd like something that could run Witcher 3 on high with no issues and play Overwatch with no problem. I should mention the monitor I have only has a dvi I port I believe. All pins but only the flat horizontal line.

As for the 1070 I would wait but I don't want to hold out for two months when I can just save up for it again easily.
My GTX 980 works perfectly with the games you've mentioned, it plays Overwatch on Epic at around 130 fps average. That would be a good upgrade, and you don't mind saving up for the 1070 while waiting for better brands/cards.
That is the exact 980 I have, it has high performance, some neat-o apps, lighting changes, and other things (really like to heat pipes, too). That case will fit that GPU just fine.
id seriously just suggest waiting like a month. to save a few hundred dollars or get substantially better performance i really can't imagine any reason not to...

this is the worst month to buy a GPU in the past like 5 years i can think of...theres too much going on and prices have not stabilized from all the releases and speculation.

From the description in the post, it seems like he wants the later versions of the 1070 (MSI, Gigabyte, PNY), and who knows when they'll release them. This gives him time to enjoy some games (his GPU died, keep this in mind) and save up.
What's wrong with the psu I have right now? I only have 500 on me, so purchasing a better psu wouldn't be possible right now.

As for waiting for 1070 I would but I'd like to fix my Pc sooner than two months later.
If you don't want to wait a while, the $200 RX 480 would be a good option, it comes out this month (supposed 29th), it allows you to upgrade your PSU AND have a good performing GPU. I don't have any knowledge on the TX series, so I'll take Onus's word for it being skippy. Plus, it gives you some extra cash.

yes but what im saying is if you can be a bit patient you will have a ton of amazing options available to you in the very very near future. or you can settle for old, expensive and mediocre hardware now
Couldn't find anything about the Rx 480 but if my current psu can handle the 980 I'm probably just gonna go for that until I can upgrade more parts of my Pc. Like I said I have an itch I need to scratch and it's to get my Pc going again lol.

You have said nothing of the RX 480, only the 1070. And just because there are newer cards does not make good cards "mediocre", it just makes them weaker/more expensive, and the Twin Frozr is not even considered "old", just what are you trying to say? If you're trying to be a troll, please do so elsewhere. He has clearly stated that he does not want to wait for a GPU, so I suggested a good and cheap GPU, in which case he can save some money and upgrade his PSU.

And the Twin Frozr GTX 980 out-performs the RX 480 😉

The PSU according to the Tom's Hardware PSU Tier List is pretty bad (tier 4?). I wouldn't try to buy a GPU without getting a good PSU, and luckily, the RX 480 is just around the corner with a mad tdp of 150W. I know you don't want to wait, but changing that PSU takes priority.

i was referring to the rx 480 and the gtx 1080 and 1070. i wasnt referring to any one type of cooling solution. i'm not sure how i went about making you think im trolling but im just trying to say patience at this exact point in time will only benefit you in the very near future. just relax already jeesh.

plus how can you say the gtx 980 outperforms a card that isnt even released yet? that is misinformation at its finest....

Really? AMD clearly said that this was a budget card that would perform between the 970 and 980, and there are benchmarks out. I don't know what you mean.

Simply put, his GPU died and he needs a replacement, and so does his PSU. He wants to game now, save up for two or so months, and then buy a 1070. It works out for him, and that's what we want. He gets to game and gets better hardware when it releases, absolutely no harm :)