This is nonsense. You cant compare a biological mind to a computer. As far as carrying out operations per second the human brain is extraordinarily slow vs even an old slow computer. The amount of reliable objects/numbers etc a human mind can hold at a given instance is again extraordinarily tiny and the speed and reliability the mind processes things like making inferences from senses, memories, knowledge is extraordinarily slow and unreliable. Compounded by the fact that our mind is a slave to physics and arguably has no free will, e.g how its so easy for our mind to get distracted/side tracked and how thoughts uncontrollable pop up out of knowhere interfearing with our internal reasoning. But of course computers are extraordinarily bad at making what seem like to us easy decisions and conclusions on many matters. They cant understand jokes.
As per even strong weak AI, AI cant ever just start knowing things, it doesnt magical just do that despite all the mainstream popular misunderstanding. That is actually the big mystery of artificial intelligence, how can it know when every single thing it does has to literally be the result of a designer. Its not designed to know anything, not a single thing as we would recognize, it can be extraordinarily intelligent-pass the turing test with flying colors and yet it doesnt need to know anything. There is no known bridge as of yet between high intelligence and actual knowing. "AI" currently is dumb as rocks, its a very affordable and easy to implement chessy tech and bares so little to what researchers envisioned weak AI being.
The problem is made worse by the fact that we charge an AI with having the same knowing that we do, but we dont know were and how that knowing would arise, literally no idea under the sun. Since computers have very diffreent stucture, its ultimatley possible that some kind of knowing already arises from a computer but it would be impossile to be aware of it and have any idea what it is like.