Kenneth Barker
sarinaide :
Kenneth Barker :
Seriously annoyed with AMD. It is so very hard to be a fan and supporter of this company. I am very excited for what they are doing, but their marketing team is selling massive disappointments.
Why did they create a countdown page to show us 4, 2 minute videos. One of which was a making of video of their weird drummer boy video. How on earth was the teaser video at all related to the info released?
The sort of info AMD released should have been given months ago. MONTHS. CES and this spot should have been for the announcement of the cards themselves along with pricing and availability. AMD taking a full year to release a competitor to a year old card is a serious disappointment. I really hope this all pans out, because my confidence in AMD and their teams is hurting after that sad display of disappointing hype train.
Why did they create a countdown page to show us 4, 2 minute videos. One of which was a making of video of their weird drummer boy video. How on earth was the teaser video at all related to the info released?
The sort of info AMD released should have been given months ago. MONTHS. CES and this spot should have been for the announcement of the cards themselves along with pricing and availability. AMD taking a full year to release a competitor to a year old card is a serious disappointment. I really hope this all pans out, because my confidence in AMD and their teams is hurting after that sad display of disappointing hype train.
Ermmmm no, CES was what New Horizons was for Ryzen, the first product showcase AMD did not expressly say they were releasing the product on 5 January, stop getting bent out of shape about your own misunderstandings.
Errrrrrrm no, I never said I expected the cards to be released on the 5th. AMD was supposed to have Vega done Q3 of 2016 though. According to their early road maps. The delays for this product are real. AMD continues to bump their release dates and give a very soft feel in terms of "availability" which means a couple of very important things.
1. AMD is not confident in what they have, how it is being made, and what state it will actually be in.
2. AMD is falling behind and has missed many of their windows to jump in with a product that potentially beats all offerings from their primary competition (insanely important if you want AMD to grow and challenge NVIDIA)
I completely understand that there are production and development issues that can not be predicted. However, AMD is hyper marketing Vega before it appears to be ready. Their countdown site that played out hints that more than some basic high level power point slides were being released were made. That is a mistake as it wreaks of "cried wolf" that AMD has been guilty of for well over a decade now. This all feels too much like Bulldozer, or even Fiji, which is a scary ordeal for them. AMD nearly died under those product lines and is in desperate ways for something significant.
They have done so much right with Zen and now Vega, but to pull their marketing stunts where they don't belong puts everyone on edge. Even their investors were shaken up by the lack of "Big News" that was their marketing and hype machine. This is now big news, this is teaser info that could have been released on any given Tuesday, and actually would have been better off for it if it was a random Tuesday release of info.
People, including myself, expect more tangible information and more concrete results from a big event that is built up like its going to be a product release. The "Make some noise" Ve.Ga hype site was a mistake, and highly misleading. If Vega isn't ready for prime time, its not ready.
With AMD falling behind and losing important ground in terms of the timing of the release, it is a big deal and should be treated as such. This is the tech industry, and timing of a product release is absolutely everything. Vega was needed in May of 2016, hinted for November/December (in more than a few ways) almost all but confirmed for Q1 of 2017, and now a maybe for 2h of 2017. Do you see the trends? Vega, which is a competitor to Nvidia's Pascal high end cards is at risk of not making it. These sorts of year long delays would only work in a competitive market if the competition sat on their hands and waited for AMD.
If Vega hits the market too late, it won't matter how good it is today, or how many neat things they did, if Nvidia destroy their cards performance with a full generation leap ahead. For the first time, in a long time, Radeon group is at risk of going the way of the FX CPUs. Too little, too late in a world of competition. The example of the FX chip is perfect. It wasn't that the FX chips weren't advanced, and even ground breaking at the time. It was that AMD took too long to get them out, and when they did finally come out, the competitions offerings were just faster. That stumble nearly killed AMD.
Sorry for the long response. However, everyone should be critical of AMD in what they are doing, or failing to do. Its important to do if you care about the industry at all, and if you care about the existence of AMD as a player in the space. This year is do or die for AMD. If AMD messes this up, takes too long, runs into serious delays beyond what they have already hit, have performance or stability issues with just about any of their big products this year. AMD may very well go the way of the dinosaurs. It is a very serious situation, and these surprise delays and late launches do not do them any favors.