the is one thing about the article that bothers me. last bit about mammying, clothes, sandwitches, wait for the ring to... bla bla bla. What in god's green earth makes females think we'll change and be happy about it? the second they think we can be change and not suffer from it, which is about 0.329 sec after the ink is dry on the matrimonial papers, life becomes hell. I've been immersed in silicon most of my life , and heemmmm 'puters don't have mood swings (windows , arrhhemmm , another subject XD). I'd like to say that nothing compares to the warm soft touch of my GF but, have you felt the caress of a warm laptop at 3 am after 4 hrs of TBBT non stop back to back episodes? or the suttle caress of warm leather after 4 hrs of warcraft III ( air con inclued of course, otherwise it's a different ball game
😛). the main contention point my nerdy buddies and me have with our GF's is : that they don't have the monopoly of "good times" anymore. there is zelda on a NES, blasting aliens to kingdom come on duke nukem, hours of fun with 3000 others on 'any'craft ( thank you blizzard XD), building pcs, shopping for new bits, finding that last elusive second on à 32 sec windows boot, arguing with Steve on why the ipad sucks/is so great, youtubing (facebook? AH! who said non geeks where that good at socialising ), looking at videos, finding others who get: "there are only 10 kind of people who understand binary, those who do and those who don't", going to 'any'cons. yes! dressing up in weird clothes and pretending to be batman is fun XD. golly i could go on for hours , but i have to work XD
"getting" and geek is like trying to "get" a lion to become some tame house cat. Yeah some of us might blushn stutter, dress like dorks, have weird conversations, but remember this when u're stuck at the AT machine and it fucks up: WE ARE THE ONES WHO MAKE THE WORLD RUN ( after we get that snazzy IT manager expert position). get a geek? hihihihi ^^ doable, but not unless you go to the dark side!
mouuahahahhahahahaha ^^^^