AMD Tells Girls How to Attract a Geeky Boyfriend

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i know there are some hot girls that have an affinity to video games, however rare still, there are a number that I know personally. THey eventually grow out of it though and sometimes its good to be a secret "geek" so girls actually find that good and are sometimes in awe when you dont act like a geek but know alot about technical stuff.

This also works against other ppl who think they are geeks or are geeks and look down on you but when you answer backm then you will defenitly have the upper hand making them look even more stupid.
[citation][nom]XZaapryca[/nom]The whole article is unbelievable. Generic advice for an invented problem.[/citation]

Love this quote! So true. What a stupid article. Most geeks find normal girls, no problem. Unless u are some ultra nerd who paints his own figurines and talks about them when a girl is wanting to get funky with you... then u need help.
[citation][nom]liquidsnake718[/nom]YOu could always talk about your "thermal paste" for her "C.P.U."..... you can fill in the blanks for that acronym....[/citation]

More appropriately would be ram sticks for her slots?
wow very cool article. I am a geek but no one would know that based on how I look. Most of the things you said on this article I agree with. It would be a dream come true for me if a girl told me she built her own gaming PC and she told me the specs. I would propose to her on the spot lol.
[citation][nom]utengineer[/nom]HAHA....what this article does not note is that girls that like geeks are not HOT. Yes there are a few exceptions, but 9 times out of ten, if the girl is a gamer......she is a cookie monster.[/citation]

LMAO. That is usually true thats why its funny. Not only are they cookie monsters some look like a grenade went off in their mouth lol. I would love to find a cute women that games on PC instead consoles. I would put a ring on it ASAP!
[citation][nom]mmseng[/nom]This is me agreeing with everyone who says "A true geek doesn't want you to change yourself for him." Part of the very definition of a "geek" is one who accepts and embraces his beliefs and interests, without caring what the world thinks. If you care enough about what other people think of you to the point where it changes your behavior then you are not a geek and never will be until this changes. This applies to either gender. Therefore there is no way to change yourself to be more geeky, at least, certainly not for the purpose of impressing/attracting someone's attention. If you are a geek you will know it. Trust us.Don't get me wrong girls, you will still get plenty of attention if you want it. But you will not get a meaningful relationship without genuine interest and;dr: Geeks are intelligent. They will know when you are posing. So don't do it.[/citation]

COMPLETELY. We all know "that" person
What happened to "love" being the primary factor for being in a relationship?

Geeks have feeling too, you know. It's just that geeks happen to love technology & it's applications a lot more than other things. That's just how geeks are and that will never change... even if you get married and have a dozen kids.
Get a Social Life, and dont sit at home watching star wars and all the seasons of battlestar galactiica or playing WoW. I have about 10days on MW2 and still have a GF be smart about it.
I'd be happy as long as she showed interest in my hobbies and cared about my life. I could easily be happy to care back. And if she wants to learn about computers then I'd be more than happy to teach her.

They make it seem way too hard to get a Geeky Boyfriend.

No one where I live is geeky, much less female and geeky.
[citation][nom]2real[/nom]ah crap i meant to respond to cj_online[/citation]

Thought I'd throw it out there.. just my opinion..

Question is.. why are u feeling so butt hurt about it?
[citation][nom]XZaapryca[/nom]Women having a hard time picking up nerds? What the hell?!? Is today some kind of weird Opposite Day or something? I think the biggest problem is the ratio of nerd-boys to nerd-girls. Then there's the ratio of hot-nerd-girls to the holy-cow-kill-it-with-fire-nerd-girls. The whole article is unbelievable. Generic advice for an invented problem.[/citation]

You win the discussion

when a woman wants a geeky guy, they dont want the built there own pc guy, or know linux in and out, they want that guy who uses the iphone, buys apple products, non trendy glasses, but has a great body

and to most people i have no problem talking to women, its just the part of giving a crap about anything they have to say, there are ones with common interest but they are just friends.

also, you wait till you get a ring to start changeing me and ill ask for that ring back.

and finally the one thing the article missed, don't f with his crap.

don't break the computer, the console the anything and don't destroy any digital data.
[citation][nom]hokkdawg[/nom]My woman plays WoW and LotRO with me. I put a ring on that as soon as I possibly could.[/citation]
Does she have a sister?
the is one thing about the article that bothers me. last bit about mammying, clothes, sandwitches, wait for the ring to... bla bla bla. What in god's green earth makes females think we'll change and be happy about it? the second they think we can be change and not suffer from it, which is about 0.329 sec after the ink is dry on the matrimonial papers, life becomes hell. I've been immersed in silicon most of my life , and heemmmm 'puters don't have mood swings (windows , arrhhemmm , another subject XD). I'd like to say that nothing compares to the warm soft touch of my GF but, have you felt the caress of a warm laptop at 3 am after 4 hrs of TBBT non stop back to back episodes? or the suttle caress of warm leather after 4 hrs of warcraft III ( air con inclued of course, otherwise it's a different ball game 😛). the main contention point my nerdy buddies and me have with our GF's is : that they don't have the monopoly of "good times" anymore. there is zelda on a NES, blasting aliens to kingdom come on duke nukem, hours of fun with 3000 others on 'any'craft ( thank you blizzard XD), building pcs, shopping for new bits, finding that last elusive second on à 32 sec windows boot, arguing with Steve on why the ipad sucks/is so great, youtubing (facebook? AH! who said non geeks where that good at socialising ), looking at videos, finding others who get: "there are only 10 kind of people who understand binary, those who do and those who don't", going to 'any'cons. yes! dressing up in weird clothes and pretending to be batman is fun XD. golly i could go on for hours , but i have to work XD
"getting" and geek is like trying to "get" a lion to become some tame house cat. Yeah some of us might blushn stutter, dress like dorks, have weird conversations, but remember this when u're stuck at the AT machine and it fucks up: WE ARE THE ONES WHO MAKE THE WORLD RUN ( after we get that snazzy IT manager expert position). get a geek? hihihihi ^^ doable, but not unless you go to the dark side!

mouuahahahhahahahaha ^^^^
The guys aren't all prize catches just because they are geeks.
There are some pretty horrific monsters out there I have seen at LAN parties that sit there for 48 hours watching wrestling videos, eating their own snot and smelling like they crapped themselves.

Other geek guys are, aside from the interest in tech, otherwise amongst the town's most eligible bachelors.

If you are a geek girl looking for a geek guy, you still need the traditional attractors beyond the interests in tech. When he isn't glued to the screen playing Starcraft 2 he still needs standards of politeness, personal hygiene, ability to financially support himself - and not to put to fine a point on it, he doesn't have to be Fred Flintstone, but he still needs to make the bed rock.
I went to a club one night with a close hot girl friend of mine and met up with her friend. Afterward we went to her friend's (who was hot too) apartment and she immediately ripped off her clothes, jumped on the xbox and fired up Left for Dead. She was kicking ass and talking smack on the headset in minutes.

I thought I died and went to heaven or would wake up and find myself lying drunk on the parking lot outside the club.

My friend took her clothes off too and sat in my lap and drank beer. Hot geeky chicks are out there....
I'm a geek, and my wife is very good looking. She is a bookworm/general artist by nature, but I was able to get her to play pen-and-paper RPG, and now she is making her own quest. She also discovered the great sci-fi series (babylon 5 + Farscape + Firefly), though she probably had that in her from the start since sci-fi interested her from the get-go. We both love each other wildly.

What the article said is bull at least for half.
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