This article and the comments added are just hilarious. I think it's more about the guy going out somewhere for that "girl" to meet them and see what he is about. There is always that added "attraction" factor that every girl has for a guy. I believe the thing that REALLY gets girls going when you're a geek and a girl is wanting you is when you are more into the Tech than you would be into her. ALL girls LOVE attention. When they don't get what they want they find it odd and then that's when they make the move. I've been a techie/geek for the past 22 years, and I'm 24. There was a time when I was 3 and I took apart my parents VCR without putting it back together, next year I started playing games and using my dad's computer. I haven't looked back since. But I believe what sets us apart from other guys, is that we are mostly very intelligent and insightful. Girls recognize that and are sometimes turned off by it because they don't understand it. Being above normal on my intelligence, after my 1st serious girlfriend I started to experiment with girls. My findings were quite startling, but most girls did not give a crap that I was such a geek. They were very much interested in my looks and personality though.
Years later and I still can score some very attractive women, all the while not giving a crap what they think as far as my geekness (for the fling girls that is). And the girlfriends don't care one bit because they care about YOU, not what you do. It's all how you take it and never put yourself down. Always believe in what you do and what you do is extremely fun (tech, games, roleplaying, whatever). Looking on the outside in you would probably never guess just by looking at me that I'm so into tech it's like a second girlfriend. Talking to me it's obvious of course, telling how excited a techie gets when you talk about a new gadget.
I'm one of those mix-bags though. You could call a specific geek group "jock geek" and that's what I would consider myself. Not because of the personality of being a d-bag, but because me and my friends like to party hard whether it's at a house party/bar/LAN party, we just like to have a good time. And that's ALL it is about, having a GOOD time. Remember that ladies, it's all about having a GOOD time, you don't have to like all the stuff we do but just having fun with us and we'll consider ya 😉.
Sorry for the long and drawn out post.