joshyboy82 :
So the computer world was afire with the 970 3.5Gb issue, and then AMD sends out a card that draws so much power through the Mobo, it breaks the mobo. I wish the card makers would stop with this, and...I hope fate makes this as big of an issue, because I bought a 970 an my performance never suffered. Internet? you gonna string this one up too?
Not really ... the youtuber claims about the 970 were quickly disproved by a number of sites who concluded that "yes, i guess you can cause a problem if you:
a) Play at resolutions (4k) and screen settings which make the game completely unplayable, or
b) you try really hard to impose a combination of conditions to create a problem, one which can not be duplicated under normal usage by dozens of test sites
Not dumping on AMD here, the FE cards throttle and the AMD reference cards have this issue. But nothing new here... reference cards have always been "less than" .. foisted on the market to make a quick buck by taking advantage of consumers desire to get the "new" thing.
It's not called the "bleeding edge" for no reason. "Good things come to those who wait" is apt to the PC industry more than most. It had never been more true than with the B3 stepping issue some years back ... and the GTX 570 weak VRMs come to mind, as does the EVGA 970 SC cooler missing the GPU with one of the 3 heat pipes. But this round from both the red (voltage / power issues) and green (thermal throttling) camps has gotta be in the top 10.
Darkbreeze :
Hopefully there will be a LOT of AiB changes to the aftermarket versions of these cards.
There will be ... on both sides.
surphninja :
I see there's a lot of Nvidia fans commenting. Nice pitchforks.
I don't have color coded pitchforks .... I'm using the same one to skewer both the red and green teams. And while I do see a lot of AMD fans trying to skewer nVidia for an Asus single model problem, the rear ens I am pointing my pitchfork at are the consumers who sit at their PCs endlessly refreshing the page to buy a "lesser" reference card" card at a premium price.
This isn't an AMD versus nVida thing.. it's a reference (to be avoided) versus non-reference (new and improved) thing.
If ya don't have the self control to wait two weeks for the better product, then consider yaself responsible for these "not ready for prime time" early releases and the profiteering that goes with it..