I'm really more concerned about AMD's motherboard chipsets. They seem to maintain the sale of a Lesser Version for older chipsets. The 785 was a great chipset but when those motherboards were sold, all we can find now is the 760s.
Then, it was the 890FXs that were hot commodities, but then they only sold the 870s after that first year.
Those were replaced by the 990s and 970s, but there are more 970-laden motherboards for sale than the 990FXs now.
I don't understand why AMD is pushing the lowest-common denominator for a motherboard chipset rather than maintaining the Last Best Version.
Three years ago, AMD said they were throwing in the competitive towel over CPU performance and were going to focus on APUs. Fine. But here again, we see this odd sidetracking/ backtracking status. "What's the matter, folks? Slow day at the office? Someone ask what the engineers were doing lately?"
Of course, if they want to REALLY drop prices, fine. Slash 'em in half. And get RAM halved, and storage, too. If they want to gain low-end market, REALLY DO IT.
As for Sess's "wait and see", nawww... heck, what am I supposed to do with all this tar and all those feathers I've already unpacked?