I'm proud AMD 3950X owner since its first day but HW is not everything, more important is SW.
My story is: last time I built my own PC was 25 years ago - Pentium era. There were always some problems with HW and I continued with notebooks (HP, Dell) Intel based. In mean time bought my wife Toshiba notebook with AMD and even today I here stories and blames how slow, hot and awful it is (was). Back to Intel.
And last year I insisted to be a man and made a decision to buy Ryzen 3900 or 3950. Of course wife mentioned her Toshiba billion times 😡
We started with 1500 Eur but ended up on above 2500 Eur. Gigabyte Ultra MB, 3466 DRAMs, RTX 2060...
It works really fast, Task manager is great with all those cores but software! Oh my God! Gigabyte MB software is crap, AMD software is crap! I was not able to run Handbrake cause of BSoDs. Today after 7 BIOS updates PC works without BSoDs, Handbrake works and other benchmarks too.
But AMD software... oh my God once again. Not only SW is crap but AMD support does not care at all!
RAID update prevented booting and I lost days detecting what problem is. Asked AMD support... ha ha ha. Finally I found problem, wrote an encyclopedia about and how to fix it and told everything AMD support. Did they care? No!
On other, blue, side my MB has Intel Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Ethernet. Intel update app installed without any problem, detects everything and tells me about updates. Installs updates without any problem! It is still in my tray and when dbl clicked opens new tab in browser and tells me there are no updates!
At work I have Dell with Intel and also no problem at all!
We could discuss is AMD better/faster or Intel but only what matters is software quality. I could have Cray under my desk but if it crashes every now and then... If I have to think 10 times before installing an update and then loose days fixing it... it's not worth.
But I must mention Gigabyte support - great! Thanks guys!