-Fran- :
jdwii :
Kind of reminds me of the K6 days haha Amd will always be playing catch up anyone who really thinks otherwise is kidding themselves but at least we do have competition and just like in the 90's it's nice to have another option that isn't objectively crap. I mean Ryzen 1600 and 1700 really did give consumers who needed that type of product an option instead of the same old 4 core with HT.
My CPU screams in handbrake encodes i love it i wish i could have gotten a 8700K as it is a more rounded CPU but that wasn't out at the time.
AMD was in front of Intel with the K7 and K8 though. The "Thunderbird" where a tad better than the original Pentium 3s and, obviously, the initial Pentium 4s. They even OC'ed better AFAIK. I remember that, because I had a Pentium 3 coppermine and I was raging whenever I read Athlon reviews, haha.
Point is, whatever the reason, AMD has been ahead of Intel before. I just don't see why everyone is being so cynical about AMD maybe pulling a rabbit out of their hats. Not probable, but not impossible either. They've done it before.
First, the K7 and K8 were derived from Alpha technology. AMD acquired virtually the whole Alpha team for the K7. In fact the chief architect for K7 had been a lead engineer on multiple Alpha microprocessors during his previous employment at DEC. Alpha was the Ferrari of the CPUs in the epoch.
Second, the real problem was Intel failing badly with Pentium 4 introduced in the same year than the legendary Thunderbird. Intel failed because engineers projected an evolution of the silicon that didn't happen. Intel engineers used classic laws for scaling and didn't expect that classic scaling would cease to stop at smaller nodes. As a consequence their design was hot, inefficient, and slower than expected, because couldn't hit the target clocks. The target was 10GHz, the chip never got 4GHz.
So, AMD didn't pull any rabbit out of their hats, but Intel did a strong mistake, and AMD used the opportunity. Of course, once Intel corrected the mistake by abandoning Pentium by a new muarch (Core 2), AMD momentum was gone.
Since then some people try to convince us that the glorious K7/K8 days are returning. K10 was supposed to be the game change, then Bulldozer was supposed to be the game changer, Piledriver, Steamroller... I remember perfectly all the hype around Zen before launch, with many fans in forums pretending that Zen was "the new K8", "Intel is killed",... It did
NOT happen. So I find funny all this is happening one again...