I don't see myself ever wearing any "GEAR" on my head. Even hate headphones, but I use them if online in a fps, but that's about it. I'd always prefer NOTHING on my head, and surround speakers for most games. On top of not wanting something up there, I'm not excited about a tech that causes most to get headaches or nausea after mere hours or less. Unless they get this stuff down to $50 or something, it wouldn't be worth it to me. I say $50 because that is what I'm willing to pay for something I use very little (IE, less than headphones, if it still has the effects noted). It's a great idea, don't get me wrong. I might accept it more if it was less "on your head" like google glass or something (but both eyes, I just mean glasses), rather than looking like I'm going scuba diving
😉 But I'm sure some will just drool over this stuff. But top end video cards+VR unit=low audience to me. I'd think most devs would rather aim at a 1.5B unit audience on mobile especially after everyone is X1 level gpu. Much easier to sell more units and be successful with those numbers.
Also there won't be a ton of stuff out for this for years anyway as the audience is small. Devs don't even begin to write for consoles until 10mil units and they have a major fan base. I'm wondering how much effort the devs will have to put in to making a game use this tech on top of making a great game, which means if it's a LOT of effort watch quality drop or play time shrink even more - 5-10hrs? LOL. I'd rather see more stuff like Underworld Ascendant or Bard's Tale IV (yes #4!)
35hrs or so left on this one. Bard's Tale just starting up I guess. Torment, Tides of Numenera, Shroud of the Avatar, Shadowgun (just raised 1.2mil for their next shadowrun game) etc. Great games by smaller devs that bring back quality and LONGER play time for your money. IE, 10-15hrs for $60 vs. these little guys doing 15-60hrs of fun for $20-45. Opinions vary I'm sure. VR just isn't well spent money to me for games, thankfully it looks like only the big dogs are involved so we'll still get the great little guy's games anyway
(fun for all then I guess).