Vote me down. hahaha
This was all done b4 - Dec 08. Vids on utube. w PhII 940. THG is late to the game due to spintel bias. again. (well look it up if you don't know).
Nice lame flames from the dark spintel fanboys here. You guys really have a way with word slurs.
Note also - the "real oclox team" uses "AMD Platform Advantage" re "performance boost" ! (hint) Usually THG mixes in some nvidiot vidcard so as to impair the system. (not to mention the sick ram they often find under the bench).
Overall this is no big deal - just another "keep me hangin on" trick. Phenom II's you can actually buy have already demo'd in excess of 7 GHZ - 2 months ago !! - this is a waste of TWKR !!
Oh, almost forgot - the bit about "real game" benches don't matter - ummm, really - oclox while still performing does not matter? - what if the oclox slows down actual THROUGHPUT. What then? Think maybe you should test that? If you can't afford to run in the oclox kitchen cos it costs too much - then get out of it - it's all been done before anyway.
Sorry - this is so unimpressive - ok - you can vote me down now - cos I know too much. I am not impressed with continuing biased reporting aimed at down-rating AMD (or minimizing accomplishment). (And yes, the EU really did set a fine record re an7i7rus7 - more coming on that? That's news of an ongoing nature). This cold oclox is ancient history.
And some said about 955 can't - my buddy has 955 @ 4.1 on H2O - it was an accident in AOD - his mouse slipped and he hit 4.1 instead of 4.0. Others hit 3.6+ with just the multiplier. Others undervolt (?) (!) and stable, for power savings.
Also you want to look at "OCZ ram for AMD cpu's" (the platinum, of course). But all the PhII's do in excess of 3.5 om air anyway - what's the big deal with these can't perform spintel fanboys - lmao.
ok - thx for the vote down
