damric :
dirtyferret :
damric :
Andyson, the notorious RAIDMAX OEM. Not sure any sane person would pick you for a high end PSU, but thanks for trying.
is it andyson's fault that raidmax wants them to supply cheap PSU?
Yes, absolutely. Same with other OEMs like Channel Well that know how to make good PSUs but instead churn out cost-cutting junk because that's the best contracts that they can win. I am not forgiving when it comes to PSUs.
you are allowed your opinion but frankly the OEM means little to me compared to actual build quality, independent performance review, and the brands CS on the warranty. If CWT makes cheap PSU because the brand gives them a low price point, I could care less. If there is a very good PSU at a great price with a solid brand CS behind it that happens to be made by CWT, I could care less and I'll get it if I need a new PSU.