annoying loophole



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A base without only few or even without any personnel is still able to build
ships. So for example if one fights against any ally with an XTal the
partner of the XTal can build him ships even if he has become meanless
small or even have one base with no personnel at all.

I would like to see a minimum limit for colonists and crew to get a MSP
working. And in addition to this why not having personnnel minimum
requirements for all structures like it already is the case for structures
like farms, factories, mines, cities, tech institutes, cantinas. And even
the LCs should need some troops to work.

I think a lot ingame anomalies would vanish on their own...

Hm? What do you think about it!

GFM GToeroe


Jun 18, 2002
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Well first of all there is no reason why any of the mentioned
buildings, should not need any kind of personnel to function fully - or
all the others for that matter.
But then I never liked the prerequisite of 1 k Colonists to operate
just 1 farm, while it is probably for most races not damaging and even
good to have such a limit, it is definitly not good for some of the
real slow breeding races (why do again come the Cents and Dracs to my
There is also absolutly no reason why fighters should not need 1 Crew,
Troop or HG to be able to fly, unless it is maybe the Unmanned Drone
(type-1 fighter) of the RCS or a smiliar fighter - eventhough in that
case I strongly recommend to lower the farming personnel needed for the
Cents and Dracs to 10% of what the other races need.
And then in the case of shipyards I would rather suggest a rather
variable number of personnel needed (and in case of shipyards I would
not differ between Colonists,Crew and Troops - any of those should be
ok) depending on number of ships and hull mass of each of them.

And then I doubt that any of these changes will get introduced in the
forseeable future.

Gabor Törö wrote:
> A base without only few or even without any personnel is still able
to build
> ships. So for example if one fights against any ally with an XTal the
> partner of the XTal can build him ships even if he has become
> small or even have one base with no personnel at all.
> I would like to see a minimum limit for colonists and crew to get a
> working. And in addition to this why not having personnnel minimum
> requirements for all structures like it already is the case for
> like farms, factories, mines, cities, tech institutes, cantinas. And
> the LCs should need some troops to work.
> I think a lot ingame anomalies would vanish on their own...
> Hm? What do you think about it!
> GFM GToeroe


Aug 14, 2004
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Well, I do believe that there should be prerequisites for all
structures to perform their functions. Some functions can be automated
by machinery, so it may not require much intervention. There are many
sci-fi shows on television that have remnants of "ancient races" that
invented something that is running perfectly well by itself. So the
prerequisites need not be just colonists, but could be money, supplies
or metals. It is possible in my opinion for a MSP to be fully
automated, but the ships still come with 1 crew magically, which
doesn't make sense from a base with no colonists or crew.

That said, the current game host only checks to see if the minimum
requirements are met for each structure using the total colonists at
the base. So if you have 1000 colonists, they are able to run 1 farm,
10 mines, and a Gun Zero. That's a lot of running around and
multitasking of the same people. I guess colonists don't need sleep.
What will need to happen to fix this is allow the player to control
priorities of structures that require colonists to run and allocate
colonists to those structures.

Overall, how much "realism" do you want in this fantasy star warfare
game? Every bit of realism adds more complication and micromanagement.
Maybe we should keep silent and enjoy the simplicity.



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Adding realism to a game doesn't necessarily make it better. But right
now I'm playing crystals and have an Aczanny ally with a one-man base
on my hw building me 20 diggers. It feels a little bit like an exploit.
But then again, how many *should* you need to run a MSP? 100? 1000? It
really depends on how many ships being buildt. But as it is now, the
game doesn't take into account that it's unlikely that 20 men can
construct 20 Death Stars in one turn. As long as max production
capacity based on population isn't in the game, the proposed
restriction is pointless.



Jun 18, 2002
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Well as it is. Do you really think that I am not able to present these
things in another tone? - Maybe the point is that I do not want to -
and therefore mostly won't - present any of these things in any other
way. And that I do not see any reason for that matter to do otherwise.
And then I do really doubt that many a thing I did say did not have any
effect on the host or client.
You see I do not care if the things I say have any effect on the game.
At least as long as I consider the beta-testing phase still a farce or
There is still much to be done before I can take the so called beta
even a little bit serious.

And then maybe all of you have to consider my good tone, or better the
lack of it, as the price they have to pay for my input. At least I am
kind enough to put up a few things which others either do not know or
withhold since they want to have an advantage.


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>And then I doubt that any of these changes will get introduced in the
forseeable future.

Dear Nameless, although it seems that you know more than we all together,
although you find bugs and loopholes where others see nothing and although
your suggestion are most of the time quite good there is an cardinal mistake
in all you do:

The form of presentation which makes it impossible many poeple accepting
your suggested pathes.

You know the German phrase "The tone makes the music" ? That's it. As long
you want to have effects on the host and client of what you are saying you
have to change the attitude or character of your presentation mode.

BTW: I doubt that it takes a long time till we see some further personnel
requirements for ground structures...because it follow the a main line of
the game: Without colonists you are nothing and most of the time the more
you spread them the more you get economically. So why not should give father
all his childs this feature?

GFM GToeroe

"Nameless" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Well first of all there is no reason why any of the mentioned
buildings, should not need any kind of personnel to function fully - or
all the others for that matter.
But then I never liked the prerequisite of 1 k Colonists to operate
just 1 farm, while it is probably for most races not damaging and even
good to have such a limit, it is definitly not good for some of the
real slow breeding races (why do again come the Cents and Dracs to my
There is also absolutly no reason why fighters should not need 1 Crew,
Troop or HG to be able to fly, unless it is maybe the Unmanned Drone
(type-1 fighter) of the RCS or a smiliar fighter - eventhough in that
case I strongly recommend to lower the farming personnel needed for the
Cents and Dracs to 10% of what the other races need.
And then in the case of shipyards I would rather suggest a rather
variable number of personnel needed (and in case of shipyards I would
not differ between Colonists,Crew and Troops - any of those should be
ok) depending on number of ships and hull mass of each of them.

And then I doubt that any of these changes will get introduced in the
forseeable future.

Gabor Törö wrote:
> A base without only few or even without any personnel is still able
to build
> ships. So for example if one fights against any ally with an XTal the
> partner of the XTal can build him ships even if he has become
> small or even have one base with no personnel at all.
> I would like to see a minimum limit for colonists and crew to get a
> working. And in addition to this why not having personnnel minimum
> requirements for all structures like it already is the case for
> like farms, factories, mines, cities, tech institutes, cantinas. And
> the LCs should need some troops to work.
> I think a lot ingame anomalies would vanish on their own...
> Hm? What do you think about it!
> GFM GToeroe


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This, my dear Nameless, were your first words EVER that were fitting
and well chosen. Please: Keep up the spirit!

And have a nice day!
