Antec 900 power button doesn't always turn on PC


Oct 22, 2008
I just built this PC and I have to press the power button anywhere from 1 - 150 times to get the PC to turn on. Once it finally turns on, everything runs fine. I've installed Vista and used the PC for hours with no problems.

I tried turning it on with a flathead screwdriver and that worked after a few seconds of moving it against the power pins. All the jumpers and power cables are correctly and firmly inserted in the motherboard. I'm not able to check the connections behind the power button because there's metal an inch below it blocking them and I don't know how to get past it. Is it possible the connection behind the power button is loose and causing this?

This is my build:
1 to 150 times ? That's a lot ...

Mine won't start if I don't push the button all the way down but that's all. If 2 tries and holding the button down a little longer doesn't help then I guess the connector/switch is faulty. You could try using the switch to start another computer or try another switch to start it.
Okay, it's definitely a problem with my Antec 900's power button or cables. I just connected another case's power button to the motherboard and it's turning on and off consistently. What's most likely the problem with my Antec 900 cables? Is it the cables themselves or the connection to the power button that I can't reach?
Antec support is very good at sending out replacement parts. Access their support form, describe your problem, and ask for a replacement power switch and cable. You should get it quickly with no charge.
If it's a new case contact Antec and explain the problem and they will replace the Front I/O Panel. I was having a problem with my front usb and they sent me the panel at no cost and I did not have to return the old one. I didn't even fill out the RMA. I sent tech support an email and they mailed it to me.

Taking the top off is not all that hard. The top is snapped on with 2 plastic clips close to the front, 2 in the middle, and 2 toward the back. Be sure and take the screw out holding the ground wire to the metal top of the case. That ground wire is a part of the front wiring. The 200mm fan will come off with the plastic top so make sure it is not connected. Antec's website has a mechanical drawing that you can download and see the different parts of the case.

The form is asking for my Serial Number, QA Date, RMA/Order #, and Shipping Tracking #. How much of this information is necessary and where do I find it?
I did not put any of that info. I just explained the problem and they sent the part. You will need that information if you are going to RMA the case to Antec. Anyway, I believe serial number is either on the inside bottom or bottom of the case.

This is from Antec's website;
In North America: Within the first 60 days after purchase, please return your product to the dealer from whom you purchased it for a replacement.

The QA date should be stamped inside on the bottom of the case, that is the date it was built.
Explain when you bought it, and from who. It really does not matter much, they will send a replacement part to you even if it is ourside of warranty.
I got Antec to send me the replacement PWR SW, but I'm not sure how to get the top off. I looked at the mechanical drawing, but I don't know how many parts I need to remove or where the screws are in the case that I need to remove. Do I need to remove the whole motherboard?

No you do not need to remove the motherboard. You will need to take off both side covers and maybe the front cover. Disconnect all the Front Panel cables, usb, firewire, sound, reset switch, etc; etc;. In the top of the case is a screw holding the ground cable for the front panel, take it loose. Disconnect the 200 mm fan power cable. The 200 mm fan is attached to the top cover. Pay close attention to the routing of all your cables so you can replace them through the same holes including the top fan power cable and speed switch. Then you will only have 6 plastic tips sticking through the metal top of the case. You can feel the middle ones on each side real easy. You will need to apply a little pressure to unhook them and push them up. After I got the middle one loose I stuck a small flat screwdriver to hold it up until I got the other ones loose. I circled the 6 slots in red where the tabs from the top attach to the case. I hope this helps.

I just tried to open it but was unable to. I removed the two side covers. I don't know how to remove the front panel, so I left it on. On the side that has the motherboard connected to it, there's still the silver casing that holds the motherboard blocking the upper 3 plastic tips on that side. I don't know how to get past it. After I put everything back together, I couldn't turn on the PC with the Reset button anymore. I had to use a flathead screwdriver to turn it on. I'm guessing this has something to do with the ground cable that's held at the top of the case by a screw. I screwed it back in like it was before. What could be the problem?
Maybe you need to take evrything out of the case so you can flip it upside down and see the tabs better. AS for the front cover it just pops off.

I don't guess you live anywhere near Houston do you? If you did I could help you.

You may try contacting Antec's tech support for suggests or RMA the case. Better yet, return it to the place of purchase.
I got the PC powering on with the Rest button again. I must have screwed the ground cable at the top of the case in backwards. I didn't think it'd matter what direction I screwed it in.

I can't return the case because I bought it on eBay and I only had 5 days after receiving it to return it if it were DOA. Even if I could, I would've had to pay like $60 to ship it back.

I don't live near Houston. I don't see how the front cover just pops off? How exactly are you supposed to push the tabs? Do you have to push them straight up or push them forward? And do you have to be pressing two of them at the same time for it to work? What's the point of taking the side panel off that's next to the motherboard when there's the gray casing that holds the motherboard blocking everything on that side? I'd rather not have to take the motherboard out of the case if it can be avoided.
On my Antec Solo, there are three tabs that need to be moved simultaneously to get the front cover to swing. Being Antec, I think the 900 may operate the same way. If you have only two hands instead of the expected three, you have to push each one in sequence and find a way to keep them pushed in until you can move the front cover. It's actually easy, once you see how they work.
The front cover on the Antec 900 has 6 compression pins, 3 on each side. If you place 2 or 3 fingers from one hand in the holes at the top of the front cover and place your other hand in the gadget tray on top to hold the case just give it a good pull with the fingers and the top of the front cover will release then just ease out the other pins going top to bottom. When you are ready to replace it just snap it back in.

I am waiting on some information about the top removal and will post back as soon as I get it.


The following instructions for removing the top of the Antec 900 came from Antec Tech Support. I sent them a request for their removal procedures and the replied with, and I quote;

Trouble Ticket ID: 165462
Description: Top Cover Removal
Please be advised that the status on your trouble ticket
has been changed from Submitted to In Progress
with the following comment:
Comment: Follow the steps below to remove the top panel from the Nine Hundred:

1) Remove left side panel (windowed)
2) Make sure you have the top panel audio connections, USB, and switches disconnected from the motherboard.
3) From inside the enclosure, look up at the top panel, Remove the two silver screws at the center of the top panel. Be careful not to remove any of the screws that are at the corners of the 200mm Big Boy Fan.
4) The top panel is held on with 6 clips and those 2 screws. The clips are on the inside along the edges of the case. There are a total of 6 clips. Release the 4 clips and lift the top panel up about an inch. Once you have the top panel raised slightly, bump it towards the front of the enclosure to release the remaining two front clips.

Status changed by: Kyle Odom


If you go to Antec's website and contact their tech support or sales department I believe they will sell you one. As for a part number just tell them it is the "Front Cover" for an Antec 900.

UPDATE: Click on the link below and make sure that spare part is selected from the drop down menu on the right hand side. Fill out as much as you can but don't worry about serial numbers, shipping dates, just let the know what you would like to purchase.


On the inside, on the bottom is stamped a QA date. That is what they use to determine warranty. If your case is within warranty, include that date. If not, just omit it, and they will likely send you the part anyway at no charge. It helps if you refer to the part number so there is no confusion.