I just built this PC and I have to press the power button anywhere from 1 - 150 times to get the PC to turn on. Once it finally turns on, everything runs fine. I've installed Vista and used the PC for hours with no problems.
I tried turning it on with a flathead screwdriver and that worked after a few seconds of moving it against the power pins. All the jumpers and power cables are correctly and firmly inserted in the motherboard. I'm not able to check the connections behind the power button because there's metal an inch below it blocking them and I don't know how to get past it. Is it possible the connection behind the power button is loose and causing this?
This is my build:
I tried turning it on with a flathead screwdriver and that worked after a few seconds of moving it against the power pins. All the jumpers and power cables are correctly and firmly inserted in the motherboard. I'm not able to check the connections behind the power button because there's metal an inch below it blocking them and I don't know how to get past it. Is it possible the connection behind the power button is loose and causing this?
This is my build: