What do you mean by "save for the side panel" and "ARGB", i get what RGB is but what's the A standing for?They're the same case construction internally;
https://www.antec.com/product/case/flux-proFLUX - Antec
save for the side panel, the fan hub(ARGB missing on the SE variant), the digital display, the adjustable/removable front radiator bracket/mount and the increased depth(on the Pro).
Can the non-pro also mount two fans at the bottom of the case or is it limited to one?
Last page, step # 7
Moved thread from Cooling section to Cases section.
Okay okay... i see just looking at manufacturers webpage rather than "spamming" the forum might just be a wise idea. Thanks nontheless.What do you mean by "save for the side panel" and "ARGB", i get what RGB is but what's the A standing for?
Are you saying the removable front radiator cannot be removed/adjusted on the non pro, or my bad i dont get what bracket means in this case.
Open up all 3 links I've provided and if you do a side by side, the differences will be self evident. RGB and ARGB are two different standards, the A in ARGB stands for Addressable.
Where do i buy that additonal fan since it doesnt ship with the case, or let me ask another way, whats the specific name of the fan i need to buy so it will match the other one and i can be sure it will fit?