Question Antec Flux Pro or non-Pro ?


Feb 11, 2024
For two days been breaking my head about this choice.
Can the non-Pro also have two fans mounted at the bottom of the case or is it limited to one?
They're the same case construction internally;
save for the side panel, the fan hub(ARGB missing on the SE variant), the digital display, the adjustable/removable front radiator bracket/mount and the increased depth(on the Pro).

Can the non-pro also mount two fans at the bottom of the case or is it limited to one?
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They're the same case construction internally;
save for the side panel, the fan hub(ARGB missing on the SE variant), the digital display, the adjustable/removable front radiator bracket/mount and the increased depth(on the Pro).

Can the non-pro also mount two fans at the bottom of the case or is it limited to one?
Last page, step # 7

Moved thread from Cooling section to Cases section.
What do you mean by "save for the side panel" and "ARGB", i get what RGB is but what's the A standing for?
Personally i dont care about the digital display, it would be nice but for me its entirely useless because i am not going to install software just for this tiny display that does nothing other than showing gpu and cpu temps, ridiculous in my opinion.
Are you saying the removable front radiator cannot be removed/adjusted on the non pro, or my bad i dont get what bracket means in this case.
Non the less the specs page of the non pro says it will fit a 360 top mounted raidator so this wont be an issue or?

From looking at the manual you sent it seems the non pro can also mount two fans at the bottom?
Where do i buy that additonal fan since it doesnt ship with the case, or let me ask another way, whats the specific name of the fan i need to buy so it will match the other one and i can be sure it will fit?
What do you mean by "save for the side panel" and "ARGB", i get what RGB is but what's the A standing for?
Are you saying the removable front radiator cannot be removed/adjusted on the non pro, or my bad i dont get what bracket means in this case.
Open up all 3 links I've provided and if you do a side by side, the differences will be self evident. RGB and ARGB are two different standards, the A in ARGB stands for Addressable.

Where do i buy that additonal fan since it doesnt ship with the case, or let me ask another way, whats the specific name of the fan i need to buy so it will match the other one and i can be sure it will fit?
What do you mean by "save for the side panel" and "ARGB", i get what RGB is but what's the A standing for?
Are you saying the removable front radiator cannot be removed/adjusted on the non pro, or my bad i dont get what bracket means in this case.
Open up all 3 links I've provided and if you do a side by side, the differences will be self evident. RGB and ARGB are two different standards, the A in ARGB stands for Addressable.

Where do i buy that additonal fan since it doesnt ship with the case, or let me ask another way, whats the specific name of the fan i need to buy so it will match the other one and i can be sure it will fit?
Okay okay... i see just looking at manufacturers webpage rather than "spamming" the forum might just be a wise idea. Thanks nontheless.

Now i just need to find a shop offering the fan in europe..