Any Advices About this build ??

Sep 7, 2020
Hey Guys,

Im gonna be using this build mainly for Content Creation...
A lot of Simulations, and rendering stuffs,

1) Is the Case good for Airflow or Can it manage those Components which I put in it???, Cause I really like the Style of the Case, Recommend me Some other if this Case isn't a good Airflow Option for these Componenets.

2) Will The TUF 3090 or Founder's Edition 3090 or Strix 3090 Card fit in it?? I'm Planning on buying either one from those options and nothin' else.
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It looks good.
The case is quiet, but not the best solution for air flow, since the front and the back are closed.
Air flow is a bit better when the GPU is installed vertically.
If the case will be in an air conditioned room then you should not worry about cooling.

The ASUS Strix RTX 3090 might not fit on the SL600M case.

That 380mm iCUE H150i might interfere with the PSU, which is mounted in the front of the case.
By the way, since the power supply is housed inside, you won't be able to access its power button.
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It looks good.
The case is quiet, but not the best solution for air flow, since the front and the back are closed.
Air flow is a bit better when the GPU is installed vertically.
If the case will be in an air conditioned room then you should not worry about cooling.

The ASUS Strix RTX 3090 might not fit on the SL600M case.

That 380mm iCUE H150i might interfere with the PSU, which is mounted in the front of the case.
By the way, since the power supply is housed inside, you won't be able to access its power button.
Thanks man, I'm Actually Planning on Installing The GPU Vertically a bit far from the glass panel, Now I'm Looking about the Riser Cable....
Should I need to get a PCIe gen4 riser cable, or 3rd Gen
Your thermals will be FINE in that chassis.
Jojesa misinterpreted it's design. The front and back are closed on purpose to promote more uniform bottom to top airflow.

That chassis is about as good as it gets for gpu air cooling - and your choice of cpu cooler complements it well... though it looks like that card is too long.
SL600M gpu clearance: 318mm
Strix 3090: 318.26mm
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Your thermals will be FINE in that chassis.
Jojesa misinterpreted it's design. The front and back are closed on purpose to promote more uniform bottom to top airflow.

That chassis is about as good as it gets for gpu air cooling - and your choice of cpu cooler complements it well... though it looks like that card is too long.
SL600M gpu clearance: 318mm
Strix 3090: 318.26mm
OH Ok, Then I'll Look on buying a TUF 3090
I'd use a Gen4 riser, just on principle. While supposedly loss-less, cheaper risers have a bad habit of being just that, cheap. They fit, but the function often ends up lacking and they won't/don't carry the full bandwidth ability of the hipo cards. The 3090 is a beast, beats out many Titan cards, so possibly shortchanging it with a substandard riser is the last thing you want to do.

That's if the card even fits. Most of the aftermarket cards are massive, 2.5-3 slot cards, so will not actually mount vertically anyway, too deep. There's very few cases and fewer cases with adapter plates that'll mount a 3 slot gpu vertically, the back of the card infringes on the motherboard/heatsinks etc.

Looks cool, but often isn't practical for anything but full custom loop scenarios.
...Jojesa misinterpreted it's design. The front and back are closed on purpose to promote more uniform bottom to top airflow.
I did not misinterpreted the design. I built a system for someone that purchased that PC case.
I think the front and back are sealed for aesthetic and noise reduction, since it was noticeable quieter than other cases that have openings on front and back.

You are right about the GPU temps, but the CPU was running hotter than other similar cases I have used.

Depending where this PC case is placed, or the orientation of the GPU the cooling won't be optimal.
If it is placed on the floor, with one side against the wall, it will hinder the air flow.

I had to install the GPU vertically, and for that reason, I could not used the other PCIe ports on the motherboard.
You are right about the GPU temps, but the CPU was running hotter than other similar cases I have used.
What was the cpu cooler? Because the chassis focuses on bottom to top, a number of models will suffer in there.
-horizontal air coolers will pull from the top, working against the chimney airflow
-some air coolers, when oriented vertically, have their front fan too close to the gpu PCB/back plate
NH-D15S is one of best air coolers in there, but I believe hybrid coolers would do even better.

If it is placed on the floor, with one side against the wall, it will hinder the air flow.
Well that's kinda working against the bottom intake, isn't it? The fans are trying to draw air from around the bottom, but like that, it's been cut in half almost?
I was just trying to point out that depending on components, user configuration and case placement, air flow won't be as good as cases with openings in the front and back.

I started with a Core i9 10900K with NHD15 and 2080 Ti .
The CPU was reaching 91° C when rendering.

I swapped the NHD15 for a H115i.
In this particular PC case, a H115i was outperforming the NHD15...which I have not seen on any other PC case.
For some reason air circulation (bottom to top) was hindered by the the air cooler...
I used a smoke wick and I noticed there was turbulence in the case.
With the H115i the warm air exited, straight up and unrestricted.

If I have watched the GN video, I would have had an idea what to expect.
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