Any good website or book for iOS troubleshooting?


Sep 11, 2011
I’m a repair technician still learning iOS.

I know this question may seem improper, but I’m so fed up with having to research and test myself iOS to learn how it works that here it goes:

I’d be immensely grateful if anyone suggested to me a good book or website explaining iOS for technicians, illuminating on the secrets such as how to fix software or hardware issues of any kind a customer-facing technician may need. Something not to advanced please, I'm a just a repair tech not a developer.

Any help much welcome
I know just the place 😉

You'll be able to see real world problems as well as many solutions for those problems. As you become more experienced with it you might even find yourself becoming the one offering those solutions to people who need help.

That sort of hands on experience will be invaluable if you plan to create a job out of it.
Get yourselves an iPhone, even second hand. Make sure it's at least iPhone 6, so that it is still gets new iOS releases. Connect it to iCloud. Connect it to your PC. Register email accounts with GMail / Hotmail / iCloud just for that purpose. Then start tinkering.

And accept the fact that iOS is a closed system, and that there's no "fixing of issues". In most cases, resetting the phone "magically" solves these problems.