M mechatech Distinguished Feb 8, 2006 3 0 18,510 Feb 8, 2006 #1 Any heard of www.aeoncraft.com ? I was planning on purchasing a high end system but I have a budget and Ailenware was too expensive.
Any heard of www.aeoncraft.com ? I was planning on purchasing a high end system but I have a budget and Ailenware was too expensive.
7_vii_7 Distinguished Jan 17, 2006 206 0 18,680 Feb 9, 2006 #2 no i have NOT heard of them.. but their prices are very good.
M mechatech Distinguished Feb 8, 2006 3 0 18,510 Feb 9, 2006 #3 thanks...yeah I saw aeoncraft when reading my pc gamer mag...just need more information about this company.
thanks...yeah I saw aeoncraft when reading my pc gamer mag...just need more information about this company.