Anyone else here sick of Fallout 3 problems?

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Sep 11, 2008
I mean seriously whats up with this game??!!

2 weeks, runs perfectly fine
Then BOOM cant travel to the Washington monument area without it crashing to desktop. And I mean literally just that area when I used to ALL the time.
2 more weeks of not being able to turn into quests and just wandering around, friggin Pip Boy sound doesn't work anymore and neither does the NPC voices all of a sudden.

My god this has to be the single biggest failure and RIPOFF of PC games when it comes to implementation on consumer PC's.

Bethesda support is non existent, 1 patch yet with no fixes for me at least, forums are flooded with people with the same problems on PC's. Tried tons of fixes.

Anyone having similar issues?
::end rant::


Jun 16, 2007
i'm also having random crash to desktop, it doesn't happen if i stay in megaton but once i leave and walk around, a few minutes and it will crash to desktop

it is a annoying problem that makes it hard to finish the side quest , and I really wanted to do the quest where you return to vault 101

currently looking for savegame files since i crash before I can activate it


Jul 4, 2008
you sure its the game? i beat the whole thing and started over making all evil choices this time and not one crash or hint of trouble.


Oct 14, 2006
roofus +1

Fallout 3 is not the main suspect here.

If this were even any other software package that had been good for two weeks then starting bugging out, the recommendation would be to look at what has changed. You may have a driver issue (gfx driver update?), a hardware issue (check cpu and gpu temps [CPUID Harware Monitor], full memory test, prime95 etc), a problem with your saved game (try an earlier saved game, then try washington monument), an OS issue (any windows updates around the time the problem appeared?), a DirectX issue (any updates, and new game installs around the time it appeared). And others I can't think of right now.

My point is, it would help me and others, and yourself, if you took a step back, stopped bashing on a superb pc game and developer, and thought about it rationally.

If all that fails, backup your saved games (google for the correct folder if you don't know your way around too well), uninstall the game, re-install the game, replace your saved games back into the correct folder.

If that fails, reinstall gfx drivers and/or check your temps as above.

Good luck, the game is well worth finishing, at least once.

On my second way through, almost shed a tear for megaton ;)


Dec 22, 2008
A friend's "high-end" ATI crossfire, quad core, Vista 64 bit machine had constant issues with the game. (He eventually isolated the problem to his sound drivers, and he had to install older beta drivers to fix the problem.)

I couldn't install the game on my wife's pc because the Secur-rom refused to allow the game to install on either of her Lite-on drives. (Replaced one with an Asus branded drive, installed and runs fine.)

I couldn't get the game to run correctly on my 680i lt MB, 8600 GT SLI system. Tried new video drivers, didn't work. Played on my wife's system until I reformatted and reinstalled my system. (Time for it anyway.) Same Windows patches, DX version, etc. as before. (Nvidia driver install to newest version fresh.) Corrected my problem.

Another friend cannot alt+tab without crashing the game. (He doesn't alt+tab.)

We all suffer from the occasional "game crash when attempting to exit the game from menu." Not a real issue, we were already leaving the game. (Just requires a system reboot to properly clear the failed executable prior to playing the game again.)
Welcome to PC gaming. And, yes, the game does have difficulties...just like they all do these days.


Feb 15, 2008
Like Oblivion before it, Fallout 3 will find ANY instabilities in your machine.
If you can run Prime95 for 24 hours without error, and Fallout 3 crashes for you, come back and complain about the game.
If not, fix your machine.


i have an xbox 360 and tryed multiple copys of the game and i freezes at the exact same point every time it won't let me go to the area out side of magaton and a lot of other areas


Jan 5, 2006
Basically, from what I've gathered, the main problem can perhaps be blamed on BethSoft's perennial denial that they actually need a wide-ranging, rigorous testing regime. As a veteran player of their games, (my first game from them is some 13 years old now) I feel that I'm actually in a position to say this, regardless of others' opinions on them. This actually plagues a lot of other developers, especially when they making games on consoles first, then porting them to the PC; they fail to take into account the wide range of PC hardware, and as a result, a select portion of gamers, who had exactly what was expected, have no problems, while others suffer game-breaking problems. I recall this happened with, for example, the first Knights of the Old Republic game.

Basically, I believe the main issues here derive from the DRM included in the game, audio hardware & drivers, and other media codecs, drivers, etc. When BethSoft tested the PC version, they apparently only opted to use a largely uniform setup of hardware and software; an incredibly common mistake most developers make when making PC software. So again, as a result, anyone with setups that DO resemble what they tested the game with, will wonder what others are complaining about, since the developers found and removed virtually all the bugs that would occur with their setup. But meanwhile, those with other kinds of setups, with different types of hardware, different drivers, or different software, will find problems that BethSoft never tested to find, and as a result, they know nothing about. This is why their 'fan' community invariably knows far more about their own games than the makers themselves do.


Jan 17, 2009
I just started and have experienced the same glitch on both starts... tedious to recreate characters just to try out the bugpatch... walk/run toggle disappeared... now I'm sneaking around on eggshells when i want to be running and jumping... I have waited for YEARS for this game... I could have waited a few more months if that's what it would have taken to get it straight... criminal. Boo, Bethesda... two thumbs up your @$$.



Jan 24, 2009
ITS ROTTON CODEING same as oblivion its being left to the community to fix f*** You Bethesda, F*** you all to hell!!!!
Its the game; issues like this are all over their forums. Its always the same spots that crash, and everywhere else, the game is fine.

I sued Bethesia earlier in the month. As far as I was concerned, the game was defective for my setup (tested on fresh installs of XP32 and Vista64, bare drivers, yada yada yada), and demanded the game be exchanged for the $60 i paid for is (as required for defective products under federal law).

They tried to throw out the case, but after I demonstrated the game not working on a clean install of windows (bare setups with 6 diffrent graphic drivers, and with diffrent grpahic cards), the judge refused. They them offered (and I accpeted) $100 to go away. (Heaven forbid they're responsable for every piece of software they ever release :pfff: ).


Dec 11, 2008

LOL! That's the most awesome thing I've heard in awhile.


Mar 4, 2009
My $.02

I played through FO3 on my PS3 and I loved the game so much that I bought it for my PC so I could play the DLC. I had crashes galore from the get go. Hence, I spent hours of my time getting this game to work on my PC and read all of the postings, installed alternate drivers, blah blah blah. (If I have to play though the beginning of this game one more time....) I finally got things running well enough when today I was informed of an update through GFWL. So, I figured an update couldn't hurt and I installed the update. Crashed when I loaded my saved game. Tears. Anger. Forum posting.

Anyone else have issues after this latest update? Apparently, it adds achievements for The Pitt.


Sep 11, 2008

Ah well sorry your like 1000 other people out there that think if you don't have a problem everyone else's are completely bogus. The PC forums at their site are completely loaded through the roof with problems, fallout3 is absolutely the main suspect.

Jay_l_a- "Like Oblivion before it, Fallout 3 will find ANY instabilities in your machine.
If you can run Prime95 for 24 hours without error, and Fallout 3 crashes for you, come back and complain about the game.
If not, fix your machine."

I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about and are simply looking for a reason to argue. I can run it for more than 24 hours without error, I actually forgot I left it on before and it ran for around 35.

I sued BS (my new nickname for them) as a result of them refusing my claim of a defective product (and won) a few months back. The game is a mess.

I STILL can't walk to daddy at the start of the game without a C2D, even after clean installs of XP32/Vista64, every GFX driver I can think of, on a barebones system. Hell, the 360 DLC was pulled due to bugs, and it seems the PC DLC has major issues to...


Apr 18, 2009
Anyone who says this game doesn't have issues is a LIAR.

- Unable to get out of tons of places, spaces behind barrels, shelves, potholes on bridges. Can't fast travel in some places cause the game thinks I'm falling. On xbox 360 have to reload. This happens alot in Oblivion so you think they would have solved it. At least on the PC I was able to use TCL. Damn, I used that alot.

- GNR locked on me at some point for some unknown reason. Had to go up top on the right side and pick the very hard lock to get back in with karma loss.

- All the booze in my fridge and all the extra skill books I was collecting and saving in Megaton Upstairs desk (in case future DLC increases the skill level cap past 100) disappeared when both containers were reset at some point. Never had this happen before. Forced me back about 2 hours of play to find a save where they were still there.

- Doc Hoff dead in two games early on for some unknown reason. Also Lucky Harith fell out of the damn sky near Megaton after Roe informed me he had fallen off the map. More like through the map...

- Freezes and more freezes, seemingly at times I have not saved for awhile.

- Quests breaking, Temple of the Union (Head of state quest) is a prime example.

- Both sound and graphics occasionally flip out. Ragdolling glitches and things/corpses will bounce, fly around, often freezing the game.

- Companions disappearing. I had this happen so often I don't use them during main quest and will fire them. Had Jericho disappear with no message as to what happened to him after firing him near Big Town. I always fire companions on the spot of wherever they stay when you let them go now.


Apr 10, 2009
Try uninstalling Gamer OSD for your Asus graphics card because that sovles the constant crashing issue a lot! I used to have an Asus 8600GT 512mb graphics card, but I decided to upgrade to a Zotac 9600GT. It doesn't come with any software other than the drivers, my game rarely crashes.


Mar 13, 2009
is this game really that buggy? i would still install this game in the weekend. Fallout 2 is the last game i played in the series so i need to catch up on a lot of things...


Sep 11, 2008

Yes it is - It would be a great game if they actually fixed the issues.
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