Let me give you a concrete example of Apple's idea of "customer service". It involves iTunes.
Now, as everyone SHOULD know, if you lose your copy of an iTunes download, you're s**t out of luck. You have to pay again for music you've already paid for. So, I went looking for their customer "service" to find out the official word on the matter. Foolishly, I clicked the customer service menu choice (yes, they even leave off the capital letters in their menu
It took me to the web site, where I was greeted (if you can call it that) by a page full of text that was basically a set of FAQ's and nothing else. The one exception was a small link on a sidebar that said 'Tech Support'. Very funny. The only way of contacting Apple for tech support turns out to be through online forums. Now, there was another link back to customer "service", which leads you back to the FAQ page.
In all these pages, there's no e-mail address or phone number to contact Apple if you DID have a real problem, just the forum link.
So, let's go there. Sign up for the forums and take a look around for the problem of ruined music files. Ah! HUNDREDS of messages of folks in that situation! Then you start to read the original cries for help and the replies. The first thing you find is that there weren't ANY replies from Apple employees. Oh, there were lots of answers, but each one was basically saying 'Too bad, you stupid f***er, you have to pay again!'. Some actually used that language. I picked a thread more or less at random of the folks who lost their music through no fault of their own (i.e. system crash) and posted a rather uncomplimentary little letter about Apple and their idea of customer "service". I figured that at least one voice should speak up for the other side.
The result was that Apple removed my post (nice case of censorship, no?) and sent me a warning letter about inappropriate posts.
So, now you know how Apple views their customers. Thank GOD I don't own a Mac!!! If anything went wrong, they might tell me to kiss off!
<font color=green>****</font color=green> Never Assume <font color=red>ANYTHING</font color=red> <font color=green>****</font color=green>