COLGeek :
Really? This is in incredibly poor taste given the events we seem to re-visit every few days. ...
(always the virtue signalling...)
Ah yes, because guns, staplers, knives, cars and trucks have agency. "Events" just magically happen as a result of inanimate objects, so taking those objects away will stop such events from happening, and somehow not seeing reminders based on such objects is relevant. I think door handles, carpets, sinks, light switches, windows, stairs, lifts and clothing are all evil and should be expunged; afterall, these have all been used in most recent violent attacks. I shouted at my carpet this morning, because every known bad person this century has probably walked on one. Carpets are complicit for sure. Or as Stefan puts it, not an argument.
As for the SSD, meh. I found a couple of places that sell the PT920 in the UK, it's a lot more expensive than a 960 EVO or SM961, yet much slower in many cases. 40% markup over a good Samsung for something that does indeed look like a stapler.