[SOLVED] Apagado led placa base [Motherboard LEDs Off]

Oct 15, 2020
Hola, buenos días,hace poco compré la placa base Asrock b450m steel legend, y tras su instalación con todos sus componentes y puesta en marcha, siempre que apagaba el pc, las luces RGB que lleva la placa base se apagaban(los leds están en modo rainbow). Hoy tras instalar la app polychrome RGB, para ver sus utilidad y funciones, pero sin cambiar nada, solo por ver y curiosear,resulta que al apagar el pc se quedan las luces RGB encendidas, no sé de qué manera y porqué ha cambiado esa función, antes al apagar el pc las luces led se apagaban,y ahora sin tocar nada, las luces se quedan encendidas constantemente con el pc apagado, para que se apaguen debo desenchufar el pc de la corriente. Entonces,mi pregunta es que debo hacer para que las luces leds de la placa base se apaguen cuando apague por completo el PC, gracias y saludos de antemano.


Translation from Spanish

Motherboard LED Off

Hello, good morning, I recently bought the Asrock b450m steel legend motherboard, and after its installation with all its components and start-up, whenever I turned off the pc, the RGB lights on the motherboard would turn off (the LEDs are on rainbow mode). Today after installing the polychrome RGB app, to see its usefulness and functions, but without changing anything, just to see and browse, it turns out that when the pc is turned off the RGB lights remain on, I do not know in what way and why that function has changed?

Before turning off the pc, the led lights would turn off, and now without touching anything, the lights remain on constantly with the pc off, so that they turn off I must unplug the pc from the power. So my question is what should I do to make the motherboard LEDs turn off when I completely turn off the PC?

thanks and greetings in advance.
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Ok I suggest you watch this video on youtube and read the other link I am providing. "IF" it does not work, contact asrock support by phone or direct email.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duEhMvApHJc&ab_channel=NicBunting
I wouldn't worry much about some of the led and certain lights on the mobo and case staying on.
However if you really concerned about the led lights staying on, make sure you read this carefully.


Use google translate or something else to your native language to read it correctly
I wouldn't worry much about some of the led and certain lights on the mobo and case staying on.
However if you really concerned about the led lights staying on, make sure you read this carefully.


Use google translate or something else to your native language to read it correctly
Hola, buenos días, gracias por su respuesta y consejos, yo no le veo utilidad tener las 24 horas los leds RGB de la placa base encendidos teniendo el pc apagado,es por ello que quiero tenerlos apagados, solo tenerlos encendidos cuando el pc este funcionando,pero no sé cómo hacerlo pues entrando en el enlace que manda, sigo las instrucciones pero mediante la app Asrock Polychrome RGB, no hay opción a deshabilitar el apagado de los leds de la placa base estando el pc apagado. Si alguien sabe de qué manera pues agradezco la información, seguro alguien tiene la placa base Asrock b450m steel legend y sabe cómo tener los leds apagados teniendo el pc. Gracias de antemano, saludos
Ok I suggest you watch this video on youtube and read the other link I am providing. "IF" it does not work, contact asrock support by phone or direct email.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duEhMvApHJc&ab_channel=NicBunting