Apartment WiFi range improvement - questions and troubleshooting


Jun 14, 2011
I just wanted to preface my post by saying that I am by no means an expert in networking, wireless setup, etc. With that said, bear with me if I ask a "dumb" question.

So here is the thing. I have internet provided in my apartment - yet the range of the WiFi signal from wherever the access point is really abysmal, and is pretty much a dead zone from anywhere within my bedroom.

I have ultimately given up on maintenance through our ISP for the apartment to fix the issue, so I am looking for a self-solution. Here's my question:

Is there a way that I can create another access point or WiFi source within my room to bolster the range to allow me to have better connectivity? Specifically, is there any hardware I could purchase and connect through the RJ-45 port (that my desktop is currently connected through via ethernet) that would replicate another WiFi source to increase the signal strength. Or is it more complicated than that?

Again, sorry if this might seem like a very simplistic troubleshooting, but I really have no experience in setting up WiFi networks.

Yes plenty of options if you have the direct ethernet connection to the router.

You COULD just install your own router, and have your own Wireless network. All you'd need to be careful of is setting it up on a different channel than the other wireless network so they don't compete.

Or you can install a range extender, or access point. Configuration is a bit more complicated than the next option below, but it will let you have ethernet ports to plug into.

Example: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA0ZX21P7793

Or, you can go with just a wall plug range extender. You just plug this into a wall socket that is within range of a good wireless signal, but nearer your room. It will boost the wireless signal from the router...
Yes plenty of options if you have the direct ethernet connection to the router.

You COULD just install your own router, and have your own Wireless network. All you'd need to be careful of is setting it up on a different channel than the other wireless network so they don't compete.

Or you can install a range extender, or access point. Configuration is a bit more complicated than the next option below, but it will let you have ethernet ports to plug into.

Example: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA0ZX21P7793

Or, you can go with just a wall plug range extender. You just plug this into a wall socket that is within range of a good wireless signal, but nearer your room. It will boost the wireless signal from the router to your room with minimal configuration.

Example: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833704187
most basic way to get wifi is to buy wireless adapter and hope it has enough signal to connect and is fast enough.but then again your going to have to deal with other wifi connections,far distance, which will cause some interference.
but this can be solved by getting a really good adapter and antenna! one option is to get the netis 2116,http://www.amazon.com/Netis-Wireless-Long-Range-Antennas-WF-2116/dp/B006THNH7Q, another is to get the Alfa AWUS036NHV and maybe a powered hub so it runs its best, http://www.data-alliance.net/usb-4-port-hub-w-power-supply-improves-performance-of-power-hungry-devices-wifi-adapters/,using a biquad antenna would get some realy good disatance,http://www.ebay.com/itm/WiFi-Antenna-2-4Ghz-Enclosed-BiQuad-MACH-2B-Tripod-Wireless-Booster-Long-Range-N-/141118909570?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20db57ac82,.

Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated.