Apple cannot put a SD card slot on their device.
Apple cannot put a pressure sensitive stylus and digitizer on their device because Steve Job said it is a failure.
Apple has no friends, Apple wants to keep everything to themselves and leave all other phone makers with nothing.
Apple has just denied AMOLED has any real value in the market, despite the fact that AMOLED display always looks amazing to average people. So I guess they are not putting that on their devices anytime soon, while others are doing it and makes their devices look better than Apple's.
Apple is trying to sell a 128GB iPad at ultrabook price, despite the fact that iPad is running a CPU 10 years behind CPU used in ultrabook as far as performance goes, with very little expandability. That and also everyone realize flash memory is cheap and the increased in storage should have increased the cost only by a little.
Apple thinks they are making progress in the corporate world despite the fact that most file servers, web servers, critical systems, database systems, enterprise systems, business intelligence system, point of sales system, accounting system, manufacturing and control systems, payroll systems, human resource systems etc etc are not running on anything remotely related to Apple.
So Apple thinks it will rule the world in a few years time, what do you think?